Broken Sword Resurrected on Nintendo DS & Wii

By Adam Riley 21.10.2008 6

According to a listing over on the German ratings website USK, spotted by GameFront, Ubisoft is bringing back Revolution's classic adventure 'Broken Sword', this time on Wii and Nintendo DS. Considering UK outfit Revolution was able to squeeze the original PC point-and-click onto the GBA successfully (under publisher THQ at the time, which led to undisclosed issues the prevented the almost complete Broken Sword 2 GBA port from being released), many presumed a DS version would be a certainty much earlier in the system's lifespan.

However, thankfully it would appear that after a long wait and much patience, Ubisoft has snapped up the rights to not only the DS edition, but a Wii translation as well!

So far a release date is unknown, but its very existence should be enough to get adventure fans salivating...

Box art for Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars








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While I'm absolutely all for these quality games being ported/made for the Wii/DS, I wouldnt call the GBA one successfull.
It was one of the most buggy gams I ever played! <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Buggy? I never noticed any. Smilie

In regards to the news, if it's a straight port of the original games (and considering the publisher, it's possible) , then nah, but if it's an all new title, then it's a definite yes. Smilie

Half the time I played my charecter either turned pure white at some point, or invisible.

There was also a game-destroying bug at the "famous" goat bit which meant I had to completely restart.
I didnt bother.

These days, of course, you can play the games using ScummDS and it would probably work much better.

As for this, I wouldnt mind a Wii-make of the first game.
I dont often think that, but if effort was put into it, I'm sure you could have the game adapt quite nicely. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Are you sure you weren't using a naffed cartridge? Seriously, nothing like that ever happened to me, and I played through the game at least 3 times. Smilie

This is great news. I'm a great fan of the series and hope these version turn out well Smilie

Nope, was a perfectly legal cart.
At least, it looked 100% real, and came with a real full manual and box. So I really dought anyone would make a fake thatwell.

Also, the nature of the bugs didnt seem like corruption errors. It wasnt some bad-texture due to dud memory, because it wasnt always there.
My only explanation is maybe they fixed some things for later release's. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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