Wii Gaming Enthusiasts 'Insatiable', Says Reggie

By Adam Riley 18.10.2008 23

Nintendo was seen to be starving loyal gamers of the more 'hardcore' titles at this year's E3, but Reggie feels gaming enthusiasts are simply insatiable, according to comments made in an interview with Venture Beat. Below is the quote from the interview, showing how Reggie believes Mario Kart, Smash Bros. and even Wii Fit should be enough to keep gamers content:

VentureBeat: Do you think your upcoming hardcore games will answer complaints people had a few months ago at E3 about Nintendo ignoring hardcore gamers?

Reginald Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo of America: The gaming enthusiast that buys a tremendous amount of games is truly insatiable. As an example, in March, we launched “Super Smash Bros. Brawl.” In April, we launched “Mario Kart.” In later April, we launched “Wii Fit.” Then, in July, at E3, they say, “where are the games?” They say they want the next Mario game. “Super Mario Galaxy” isn’t even a year old yet. We believe today that we have shown a plethora of games and genres that can satisfy the most casual to the most core. Even that doesn’t seem like it’s enough.

As for how well Nintendo is doing in general, given how Microsoft has had to close down certain internal studios, Fils-Aime said the following:

VentureBeat: Microsoft’s first-party internal development has deteriorated this year. What’s your trend on hiring game developers?

Reginald Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo of America: You’re referring to the fact that they’re closing studios. Our first-party is doing great. Our staffing has increased. We certainly have a wealth of projects. The Mario team is hard at work. The Zelda team is hard at work. There is a new Pikmin coming.

Despite the unusual comment by Reggie about gamers being insatiable, the line-up of games shown at the October conference should be enough to keep DS and Wii owners happy for at least the time being.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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I\'m not interested in a new Mario, I wanted a new Starfox, F-Zero or Donkey Kong. I don\'t understand why people wanted a new Mario game, as Galaxy only just came out.

Nintendo make more than just Mario games, but people couldn\'t seem to see that.

( Edited 18.10.2008 14:42 by Marzy )

Yeah, I was personally hoping for the likes of F-Zero, Wave Race, 1080, a Donkey Kong platform adventure and perhaps a new 2D Metroid...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I want a new Pilotwings Smilie !

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Fuck Nintendo. Hardcore gamers are not "insatiable". You're not providing anything! Hence why the large majority of your fanbase has moved elsewhere.

I don't understand the way Reggie thinks. Surely he knows that at this time back in the GC days, more of Nintendo's IPs already had releases and announcements.

Sin & Punishment as well as PunchOut are on the way, but other than that we only really have Mario, Metroid and Zelda :/ (and Smash Bros)

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Im just angry that he said \"There will be some BIG announcements at E3 that will make the hardcore players very happy.\" (paraphrasing of course)... And then we got no such announcement.

EDIT: New F-Zero, New 2-D Metroid, and New StarFox please!!!

( Edited 18.10.2008 17:55 by edracon )

Regggie is right.

Argh. Mario Galaxy. Awesome. Smash Bros. Sweet. Mario Kart. Nice Bonus.

Okay, fine. But we're longing for other big Nintendo names, not just another Mario. We already have Mario, what makes them think we want another so soon? There's F-Zero, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Pilotwings, Kid Icarus, Mario Sports (Tennis, Golf etc) we could be satisfied with.

At least bring on the hype! We want to see games we'd expect to buy soon, not just sit around with bits and bobs of decent titles to tide us over.

Wario is awesome, Animal Crossing pretty decent. Sin and Punishment seems slick also, but why leave it at the lesser known names. Come on Nintendo. Get your casual fingers out your money making arses and give us the goods.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Modplan Man said:
Regggie is right.

No. He isn't.

knighty said:
Modplan Man said:
Regggie is right.

No. He isn't.

Yes, he is.

The problem is, Nintendo can give us all those franchises, but where does that leave the third parties?

For N64 and GC, they had to get those games out to practically keep the platforms afloat, now that Wii has got some serious third party backing (if only in quantity, not so much quality), what do you think they\'d do?

Yeah, I\'d like to see more games in the Starfox, Donkey Kong, Pokemon (3D) franchises, and they\'ll come, just not as quick a pace as they did the previous two generations.

( Edited 18.10.2008 19:10 by Phoenixus )

Reggie's right on this one, guys. This whole notion that Nintendo has abandoned the hardcore audience is sheer, absolute bullcrap. Nintendo has only expanded their target audience beyond that of just the hardcore gamer. They are no longer making games solely for the hardcore gamer, but that doesn't mean they've abandoned us. If they really did dump the hardcore market, we wouldn't have Zelda:TP, Mario Galaxy, Excitetruck, Warioland, Mario Kart Wii, Metroid Prime 3, Super Paper Mario, Battalion Wars 2, Mario Strikers Charged Football, or Smash Bros. Brawl (etc.) at all. For crying out loud, the system's less than two years old! Hardcore gamers really are insatiable. They're only one company, yet we've already gotten a slew of killer hardcore Wii games from them. Cut them some frick'n slack.

Aside from Ninty not solely making hardcore games, what adds to the illusion that they've abandoned the hardcore audience (and a MAJOR problem in other regards) are the tons and tons of 3rd party shovel-ware that's flooding our little white box. Most of it cheap imitation-ware in effort to cash in on what Nintendo has had major success with in the casual and non-gamer market, all without understanding the fundamentals of what makes Nintendo's originals so great.

Then of course you have the 3rd party games that really are designed for the hardcore gamer. Extremely poorly. By and large half assed, low budget spin offs or ports (usually from the PS2 version, a last gen system; if Wii is even lucky enough to get a version) with poorly thought out or executed motion controls, terrible gfx and frame rate, censored and gimped features and content (most notibly a lack of NWFC & WC24 support for the Wii version) all trying to cash in on the Wii craze with minimum effort and maximum income. However, gamers aren't that stupid, and usually don't purchase the Wii version because of it.

You can't help but think the Wii version would've been vastly superior had there not existed a PS2 version. Then again, knowing these companies, we'd probably end up with a port of the PSP version. So who knows?

Nintendo can't carry Wii's hardcore market alone and they shouldn't have to. What they've done already in the short time Wii has been out is fantastic. 3rd parties not so much. Ninty really needs to crack down on these companies and set a benchmark of quality 3rd parties need to meet before releasing games for Wii. Nintendo has been waaay too lenient on the freedom these 3rd parties have had, hence the multitude of crap we have. Gamers are getting pissed. Myself included. Although I must say, things look like they're finally turning around. Albeit slowly. Who's seen clips of The Conduit, Monster Hunter 3, and Sky crawlers? lol

Now, all this being said, I am anxious to get new insallments to some of my most favorite Nintendo franchises. We know Pikmin 3 is coming, in addition to a new Mario and Zelda title, but we just had epic Mario and Zelda titles released recently so I'm good with that. Plus we had an EPIC Metroid title recently. What I would LOVE to see are new titles for F-Zero, Pilotwings, StarFox, Excitebike, Donkey Kong Country, Geist, Wave Race, 1080, Mario All*Stars, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Mario Paint, and Kid Icarus (which we're all [i]pretty[i] sure is on the way).

And I want that upgraded Rogue Squadron Trilogy game, damnit!! *gives LucasArts and Factor 5 the evil eye*

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Not so much Insatiable as supprisingly ignorant about how long it takes good games to be made.

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Sin & Punishment as well as PunchOut are on the way, but other than that we only really have Mario, Metroid and Zelda :/ (and Smash Bros)

and mario kart.
and paper mario

So thats 6 good first party IP games.

Then we have Disaster next month (still ignored for some reason).

You also left out Excitatruck and Wiisports of the list too.

Nintendos pumped out shitloads in 2 years really.
And yes, more then the GC.

The Gamcube just had them more spread out.
Didnt get a Zelda till a year and a half into its life.
Didnt get Metroid till two years into its life!
Didnt get Paper Mario2 till 3 years into its life.
Didnt get FZero GX till 2 years into its life.

The only reason why the gamecube had "more announced" at this point is because it had less released!

We would be getting more games now because we would have had less at the start.

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Darkflame said:

and mario kart.
and paper mario

Those are Mario spin offs. They're important, but Reggie seems to think we just want new Mario, when we still love Kirby, StarFox and F-Zero.

So thats 6 good first party IP games.

I can name more than 6, I was just pointing out that the only regular IPs that have been given attention are Mario Metroid and Zelda

Then we have Disaster next month (still ignored for some reason).

It's ignored because unlike most Nintendo IPs it does look pretty generic.

You also left out Excitatruck and Wiisports of the list too.

I'm talking about Nintendo's BIG hardcore IPs. Wii Sports is new and noone really asked for Resort that much other than the casual audience. How long have we been wanting StarFox and F-Zero for anyway?

Nintendos pumped out shitloads in 2 years really.
And yes, more then the GC.

The Gamcube just had them more spread out.
Didnt get a Zelda till a year and a half into its life.
Didnt get Metroid till two years into its life!
Didnt get Paper Mario2 till 3 years into its life.
Didnt get FZero GX till 2 years into its life.

At least back then Nintendo gave us things to look forward too. Zelda and F-Zero were revealed close to (or before) launch.

The only reason why the gamecube had "more announced" at this point is because it had less released!

We would be getting more games now because we would have had less at the start.

TBH the Wii was pretty awful around launch period, we had Zelda which was awesome (albeit a GC game) and soon after we got WarioWare, but for GC we had Luigi's Mansion which we all loved to bits, Melee, and Pikmin. Before long we had a StarFox game, a Mario game, and even a proper Pokémon game to look forward too.

I just want Pokémon, F-Zero, StarFox, Kirby and DK, which Nintendo seem to have forgotten about.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

So the Pikmin on Wii will be a new game after all, and not the GC port... awesome

Darkflame said:
Not so much Insatiable as supprisingly ignorant about how long it takes good games to be made.

Maybe you\'re ignorant? Let\'s look at the GC Zeldas. Wind Waker: Released in 2003, Twilight Princess: Released in 2006, but everyone knows it was finished in 2005. We don\'t even have an announcement for a new Zelda, so we can safely say there won\'t be one till at least 2010 at best. The GC had a far denser release schedule than the Wii. You\'d have to be ignorant to not see that.

btw, Disaster looks shit. The only reason anyone gives a damn was because it was shown at E3 when the Wii was announced.

The Gamcube just had them more spread out.
Didnt get a Zelda till a year and a half into its life.
Didnt get Metroid till two years into its life!
Didnt get Paper Mario2 till 3 years into its life.
Didnt get FZero GX till 2 years into its life.

So you\'d just going to ignore all the other awesome GC games that came out? And Metroid 2 years in? Are you fucking stupid? It came out early 2003 here (late 2002 in America). In the first year or so of the GC we had:

Metroid Prime
Smash Bros Melee
Luigi\'s Mansion
Zelda: Wind Waker
Starfox Adventures
Super Monkey Ball

Star Wars: Rogue Leader

And a bunch more I can\'t be bothered to find out. And that didn\'t slow down all that much over the next couple of years. You simply cannot compare that list to the Wii one at the moment. Smilie

( Edited 19.10.2008 18:32 by knighty )

LOL Knighty. Try using Google. Even better, WIkipedia. You\'re actually using 3rd party games to bolster your argument.

How about to make your argument fair, use life to equivelent date comparisons.

( Edited 19.10.2008 21:18 by Modplan Man )

Even if we only look at Nintendo games, it's much more. Unless you're counting Wii Fit, Wii Music and Brain Training. And if you're going to count them I've lost all hope for Wii fanboys.

Excluding them you have, what? MP3, Brawl and Galaxy.

And no I'm not counting Twilight Princess.

knighty said:
Even if we only look at Nintendo games, it\'s much more. Unless you\'re counting Wii Fit, Wii Music and Brain Training. And if you\'re going to count them I\'ve lost all hope for Wii fanboys.

Excluding them you have, what? MP3, Brawl and Galaxy.

And no I\'m not counting Twilight Princess.

I lost hope for you a long time ago.


The number actually comes out pretty close. This is also not taking into account Nintendo were practically forced to produce more games on the GC through lack of 3rd party support, along also with the fact GC release across territories actually had larger gaps, giving more lead time to get games out for launch in Europe (Like Sony with the PS3). Not to mention the release of MotionPlus, which is undoubtedly holding back some games for compatibility with it.

And no, it doesn\'t matter what you think of Wii Fit. It\'s a game, it\'s sold over 6 mill, it counts.

( Edited 19.10.2008 22:42 by Modplan Man )

@ MechaG2

I bought the wii for Nintendo games (like most of the people here and not for the motion sensing gimmick)
if I wanted good 3rd party games I would have bought a 360 (which I did, I gave up on 3rd party wii games long ago, I think you should too before you lost you\'re mind)

The GC had a far denser release schedule than the Wii. You\'d have to be ignorant to not see that.

So true, for the obvious lack of 3rd party games on GC. On GC, nearly all the first party games were excellent. On wii the majority of first party games are average or good. If anyone\'s quality control is lacking it\'s innitendo\'s.

Plus we had an EPIC Metroid title recently.

LOL SmilieSmilieSmilie

Is there a metroid game I missed?

And no, it doesn\'t matter what you think of Wii Fit. It\'s a game, it\'s sold over 6 mill, it counts.

Correction it\'s a casual game.

( Edited 20.10.2008 01:50 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Modplan Man said:
I lost hope for you a long time ago.


The number actually comes out pretty close. This is also not taking into account Nintendo were practically forced to produce more games on the GC through lack of 3rd party support, along also with the fact GC release across territories actually had larger gaps, giving more lead time to get games out for launch in Europe (Like Sony with the PS3). Not to mention the release of MotionPlus, which is undoubtedly holding back some games for compatibility with it.

And no, it doesn\'t matter what you think of Wii Fit. It\'s a game, it\'s sold over 6 mill, it counts.

Jolly good show. You see, the thing is, the ones for the Wii are almost all shit. I don\'t really care if you \"lost all hope for me\". You\'re so caught up in the business of gaming you\'ve forgotten the most important thing; the games. All you ever fucking do is go on about this blue ocean shit and how Nintendo are so amazingly smart business-wise, changing the industry. Who the fuck gives a shit? Nintendo were forced to make more GC games? What...I\'m supposed to feel sorry and be appreciative that they\'ve got a bunch of shitty 3rd party games to appease the masses? Jesus titty fucking christ....

Nintendo GameCube
Luigi\'s Mansion - excellent
Pikmin - excellent
Super Smash Bros. Melee - excellent
Wave Race: Blue Storm - never played, but heard alright reports
Doubutsu no Mori + (Japan Only) - meh
Animal Crossing - rubbish
Disney\'s Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse - rubbish
Eternal Darkness: Sanity\'s Requiem - excellent
Mario Party 4 - alright
Metroid Prime - excellent
NBA Courtside 2002 - meh
Star Fox Adventures - excellent
Super Mario Sunshine - excellent
Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest (Published by Nintendo in Japan Only) - meh
Doshin the Giant (Japan/Europe Only) - meh
2003 (games that came out pre-november in the US)
F Zero GX - excellent
1080 avalanche - not played, but heard good things)
Kirby Air Ride - great
Wind Waker - excellent
Double Dash - great

Wii Sports - great
Excite Truck - average
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - fuck off am i including this
Wii Play (Released 2007 in North America) - rubbish
WarioWare: Smooth Moves - alright
Super Paper Mario - haven\'t played, heard good things
Mario Party 8 - average
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree - rubbish
Pokémon Battle Revolution - rubbish
Mario Strikers Charged - great, though I don\'t like it at all
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - great
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast - rubbish
Battalion Wars 2 - from what I know of others, mediocre compared to the GC game
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - see above
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Published by Sega outside of Japan) - rubbish
Super Mario Galaxy - excellent
Link\'s Crossbow Training - rubbish
Wii Chess (In Europe) - wut
Endless Ocean - rubbish
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - excellent
Mario Kart Wii - great, marginally better than double dash
Wii Fit - rubbish
Mario Super Sluggers - rubbish from what I now
Wario Land: Shake It! - not played, but heard good things
Wii Music - rubbish

There we go, there\'s my opinion on every single Wii/GC Nintend published game in the first 2 years of each console\'s life. I\'ve even bolded the good games.

( Edited 20.10.2008 13:29 by knighty )

Agree with knighty completely other than a few things

Animal Crossing on GC I thought was great

Excite Truck and WarioWare on Wii I thought were better than "average" and "alright" too.

But otherwise yeah. GC's Nintendo line up was definitely stronger.

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