FFIV DS Creators Reveal Avalon Code – TGS08 Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.10.2008 3

Matrix Software stunned audiences at the Tokyo Games Show this week with a brand new trailer for the exclusive 3D DS RPG.

The developers of the Final Fantasy remakes for DS announced back in May a new RPG for the DS, this time working with publisher Marvelous to host some stunning graphics and style on Nintendo’s portable. Taking the role of the young Yumil or Tia, you’re born in a world on the brink of destruction and in this apocalyptic arena you encounter a mysterious book that requires players to note down what should remain and what should change in a new world.

The trailer explores some of the great new features brought into the team’s latest effort.

The game is due to destroy the world in March 2009.

Box art for Avalon Code



Rising Star


Real Time RPG



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I'm still hoping for an FFV or FFVI remake soon...

Although since Terra is blonde in DISSIDIA there would probably be some drastic changes to what people are used to Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wait, Terra is blond in Dissidia? How do they go from Green to Blonde?

Well her original concept art by Amano was blonde (and she's Amano's favourite character to draw).

Nomura has said that in his redesigns for DISSIDIA, he's tried to respect and stick to Amano's designs as much as possible, even slightly changing Cloud's and Sephiroth's designs to look more like Amano's concept art.

Terra was also blonde in the FMV for the PSX version of FFVI. She's only had green hair in the games, the chibi promo art, and pretty much every piece of FFVI fanart ever made.

Which is why it's gonna be so hard to get used to her "new look", since I expect she'd be blonde in the remake too. Smilie

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