Capcom Reveal More on Monster Hunter 3 - New Scans

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.09.2008 11

According to various reports, Nintendo of Japan will be holding an event on October 2nd showcasing forthcoming projects.

According to Nihon Securities Journal, translation by Kotaku, Nintendo will be holding a conference to announce new games, possible hardware advances and more.

The Japanese game maker won't be making a direct appearance at this years Tokyo Game Show, as per usual, so a smaller, private press event could be the ticket to redeeming lost hype. A handful of fresh scans, courtesy to Wii@Everyday:

  • Scan 1
  • Scan 2
  • Scan 3
  • Scan 4
  • Scan 5
  • According to a translation by IGN, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and director Kaname Fujioka aimed to restart the series from ground-up, filling the game with new ideas and concepts previously unexplored or not utilised enough.

    Players will venture through an unexplored island, offering dense forests, mysterious caves and even underwater sections boasting full swimming controls to hunt for submerged beasts and nab some fish to be used for feeding. The water players host to the game's main antagonist � a giant underwater dragon, the "king of the waters", that's able to survive on land as well as in water. Players will be able to face him on either terrain depending on preference.

    The title will be making a playable appearance for fans at this year's Tokyo Games Show, from October 9th 2008.

    Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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    Holy schmoly! Looks pretty damn awesome!! Smilie Loving the environments and monster designs. Features wise sounds like a winner!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I was beginning to wonder about this game since we've heard so little about it.

    They have to bring this to the US & Europe. I need this game.

    Capcom make Dead Rising on Wii look crappy, then they make one of the best looking Wii games.

    I don't get the Comcap.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    Capcom make Dead Rising on Wii look crappy, then they make one of the best looking Wii games.

    I don't get the Comcap.

    Lol, who knows! Probably different teams and all.

    As it's Monster Hunter, and bound to sell a shitload, they're probably are putting their best men and women on the job.

    Shame though, as with this showing they really should beef up their other Wii projects.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Making something look good when its built from the ground up is much easier then trying to port something and make it look good.

    This actualy looks incredibly Twlight Princess like in art style. Which is nice.

    ( Edited 17.09.2008 13:39 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Wow! Best third-party graphics?

    Super sexy graphics.
    Now if only the gameplay didn't suck so bad...

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Smilie i know they save this for TGS but will had be nice to see a bit at E3

    finger cross that they be on the floor

    Oh man this is going to sell a shit-load. Especially since it\'s on the Wii!

    EDIT: HOLY SHIT! Those graphics looks amazing!

    ( Edited 18.09.2008 01:13 by tiamat1990 )

    SuperLink said:
    Capcom make Dead Rising on Wii look crappy, then they make one of the best looking Wii games.

    I don't get the Comcap.

    Yeah what the hell were they thinking with that. They loose the title of making good Wii ports IMO. I was thinking about getting it until I saw the vid and the guy explaining that they were making a more accessible versionSmilie

    then there is the Hitman 2 comparison to Dead Rising Wii

    But considering that MH3 is an exclusive I can't expect anything less from Capcom than a "good" game. Seeing as Z&W's ground up control scheme is phenomenal.Smilie

    Yeah but even so RE4 is still one of the best looking Wii games (Despite running fine on a PS2... how degrading. Smilie)

    Then again Sonic Unleashed looks ve'y nice too.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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