Phantasy Star Zero Info and Screens Update

By Shane Jury 13.09.2008 19

Sega have revealed more on the DS edition of their Phantasy Star series, including custom Character creation and new screens.

From Seganerds. new confirmed features include;

- A create your own character feature.
- 3 races, Human, Newman, and Android.
- 14 classes.
- Game takes place on a Planet and its Moon.
- Rappies and Dylon City make a return from older titles.

Image for Phantasy Star Zero Info and Screens Update

Image for Phantasy Star Zero Info and Screens Update

Be sure to check out more screenshots of the game in the gallery below, and the official site for the game, which has recently opened here.

Thanks to evilflame for the tip.

Box art for Phantasy Star Zero





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it looking really good

DS graphics?

It looks brilliant.

I can't quite believe how good it looks, it's so detailed and vibrant.SmilieSmilieSmilie

Holy crap that looks awesome!!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Is this going to be like the PSP version...and be an MMO with no online? Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I think it's looking really good. I'll definitely think about getting this. I've never been a fan of those sort of games, but when I played the Dreamcast and Gamecube Phantasy Star games, I really liked them.

The visuals look great as well.

I've never liked PS before... but fuck those graphics are amazing.

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uo??S said:
Is this going to be like the PSP version...and be an MMO with no online? Smilie

it 4 player online idk how that will work like ffcc maybe?

and how much better can DS look? thus much be it now?

( Edited 13.09.2008 14:18 by Jump_button )

I'm starting to think this may be the best looking game on DS, although Kingdom Hearts looks amazing too.

I'll be honest I didn't think Sonic Team had it in them.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
I'm starting to think this may be the best looking game on DS, although Kingdom Hearts looks amazing too.

I'll be honest I didn't think Sonic Team had it in them.

is it sonic team that doing it?

Yup... So it might not be great, but hell the graphics are nice.

If only we had such amazing efforts on the Wii.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Saw these elsewhere, the PictoChat ability looks cool, more games should use that alongside VC.

I'm guessing VC and pictochat will be limited to friend lists, oh well at least there probably wont be a subscription fee for this.

Is this supposed to be a Phantasy Star Online or just a Phantasy Star experience?

Looks real nice anyway.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

If it looks that good moving, than it has to be the best looking DS game around. Smilie

( Edited 13.09.2008 21:19 by TheStratMan )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

shiptoncraig said:
Is this supposed to be a Phantasy Star Online or just a Phantasy Star experience?

Looks real nice anyway.

I'm thinking they will take the FFCC DS approach, make it more single player focused but then have a multiplayer mode which kind of strips most of the story bits out.

but then have a multiplayer mode which kind of strips most of the story bits out.

Sounds about right - more quest/task orientated, building up stats and earning mullah!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wow, it looks great! Hope it comes out to the West.

Funny, because all the games like that have awesome graphics. Smilie FFCC had great graphics, and Kingdom Hearts + this, which are set to have great CoOp modes, look amazing.

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SuperLink said:
I've never liked PS before... but fuck those graphics are amazing.
It looks good....but it's's gonna be shit.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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