Nintendo: The Wii is still a Disaster

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.08.2008 5

Nintendo have reconfirmed that Disaster: Day of Crisis is still in development.

The game that sees a poor chap taking on natural disasters and terrorist organisations has been shoved around since its announcement some time ago. More recently it seemed the project was in development, then once again dipped in mystery. However, Nintendo of America has confirmed it's still underway:

"Disaster: Day of Crisis is still in development."
Nintendo of America representative.

Thanks to GoNintendo for the tip.

Box art for Disaster: Day of Crisis








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Ok.... but American representatives know nothing. I can remember Perry Kaplan (When she worked for nintendo) "confirming" that Link was not going to transform in Wolf in TP, two weeks later Nintendo released the first trailer where Link morphed to a wolf...

Perrin Kaplan was a disaster.

well the game be rated some where i forgot where it was but if they give a age rating most be close

It probably just got put back because of the spate of disasters that occurred when it was about to be released, and they used the time to spruce it up a bit. It's always looked like a quality title, so anticipating it. Smilie

More time the better.
If its an adventure, rather then a bunch of small games stuck together, then it needs a long refinement period. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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