E308 Media | Samba De Amigo Gets DLC

By Mike Mason 15.07.2008 5

After months of speculation, it has finally been confirmed by the mouths of SEGA themselves that their Wii shakeathon Samba De Amigo will feature downloadable content afterall. The first few tracks scrabbling for your final few kilobytes of Wii storage space are scheduled to be:

  • Mambo Mambo - Lou Bega
  • I Want Candy - Bow Wow Wow
  • Are You Going To Be My Girl? - Jet
  • Thanks to C3 reader Zapp, SEGA's PR machine and IGN for the information.

    Players will also be able to upload scores and other things of that nature to global leaderboards to see if you really are a king of shake. Also, not content to have their own games, several of SEGA's superstars will be wandering into Samba's world, no doubt addicted to it after their ventures on its wonderous tennis courts in SEGA Superstar Tennis.

    Samba De Amigo was originally a Dreamcast game, but we're sure the maraca-shaking music game will be just as happy on Wii, where the gameplay fits hand in hand with the Wii remote and nunchuk. Or two Wii remotes if you prefer. It's due out around September.

    You want more, you cheeky monkeys? Here're some new screens.

    Box art for Samba de Amigo








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    i wasn't sure about this game, but after hearing "asereje" was going to be in it, i became sure, I'm buying this game.

    I never played the original, so I'll probably end up buying this, I just hope the songs don't cost tooo much!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    And where do we store this DLC? Smilie

    iFrit yoyo said:
    And where do we store this DLC? Smilie

    Why an SD card of course Smilie

    Nintendo better fix the storage issue asap.

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