Activision Announce Wee 1st Label For Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.07.2008 11

Following in EA's footsteps, Activision have created a Wii-specific casual label designed to make the most of Nintendo's console: Wee 1st.

Last month publishing giant EA devised the All Play brand that brought simpler and more accessible controls to traditional sports games, and now Activision aim to devise similar titles "introducing new audiences to gaming", according to Games Industry.

Clearly, the Wii's accessible controls are changing how the audience plays games and how we look at game design. This initiative is designed to showcase games that take full advantage of the Wii's capabilities.

Dave Oxford of Activision Publishing.

The initial selection will include Little League World Series 2008, Rapala Fishing Frenzy and Dancing with the Stars: Get Your Dance On.

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Do they actually want people to by these games. Wee 1st sounds like a toilet/potty training programme.

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That's a terrible, terrible name...terrible.


Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

First Ubisoft, now Activision?

*Shakes head*

Why don't they just call themselves p!ssy games? It's not only a name, but also a description. Smilie

LOL, Wee 1st. I'll go 2nd.

Damn... it...

*throws a 100 ton rock at activision*

Guest 10.07.2008#8

Obviously a pisstake.

Nice April Fool\'s joke guys.

Ceaser adding an extra 2 months to the calender must have really confused them though.

( Edited 10.07.2008 16:02 by SuperLink )

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Wee 1st, Poo 2nd!

Wee 1st? Are you fucking serious?

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