Wario Land Wii: First Gameplay Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2008 24

The Japanese Nintendo site have posted the first footage from Wario's side-scrolling debut on the Wii.

Wario Land: The Shake Dimension brings Mario's rival into his much loved 2D world once more, seeing the plump fella looking for more goodies across the vibrant and beautifully detailed world.

The site also included the opening sequence to wet your appetite for Wario-loving this summer.

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Wario Land: The Shake Dimension

Good Feel




2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (5 Votes)

European release date 2008   North America release date TBA   Japan release date July 2008   Australian release date 2008   

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Liking what I see. It\'s old school n cool.

Like the muzak.

( Edited 04.07.2008 21:02 by Linkyshinks )

Looks like a lot of fun. I'll probably get it.

Now we need a TV show! seriously. This looks really cool!
I think Wario was going to destroy that world because Captain Syrup sent it to him.

( Edited 04.07.2008 21:06 by edracon )

OMG! This is SICK!! I'll be picking this up on launch day!SmilieSmilie

It doesn't look like Waluigi's going to be in it. Argh. I wish Ninty would pair them up in an epic adventure. That would be ace.Smilie

They really do need to have their own TV show.Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

I hate hate hate hate hate hate Waluigi. If he was a main character in a game I would cross it off my to buy list instantly. He is a worse creation than someone turning Sonic red, giving him 1million spikes and calling him an original character. (Which happens all the time)

This game looks fantastic, the style is amazing, I\'ve never seen a game with such fluent cartoon style animation, or that pulls it off so well. Really great Smilie.

Also I wonder what Syrup\'s up too? Wario is definitely smart enough not to trust her after what she\'s done in the past.

This looks like it\'ll be pretty big Smilie

EDIT: And yeah, a Wario anime would be brilliant. Smilie As long as it has some Warioware characters in it and no Waluigi. If Waluigi was in it then it would be worse than Sonic X and Totally Spies.

( Edited 04.07.2008 22:36 by SuperLink )

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look at him go lol

I do not at all get why Bozon from Ign hates this, it looks so good.

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SuperLink said:
I hate hate hate hate hate hate Waluigi. If he was a main character in a game I would cross it off my to buy list instantly. He is a worse creation than someone turning Sonic red, giving him 1million spikes and calling him an original character. (Which happens all the time)

EDIT: And yeah, a Wario anime would be brilliant. Smilie As long as it has some Warioware characters in it and no Waluigi. If Waluigi was in it then it would be worse than Sonic X and Totally Spies.

I would have to disagree with you there. Waluigi is probably the only spin off character (from all of the videogame world) that actually has a well built personality (unlike all of those CRAP sonic characters both official on unofficial). Also, Totally spies wasn\'t as bad as your trying to make it sound, Sonic X was worse than you made it sound. IMO, I think it would be good for Waluigi to be in one of the main games as a playable, or villain.

( Edited 05.07.2008 00:12 by edracon )

Sonic X is worse than you make it sound, and Waluigi is worse than that. Smilie

What personality does he have? He\'s just a pointless Tennis partner for Wario and a generic sneak villain. His name is bad, his symbol is an upside down L, it\'s more obvious than anything he was created as an \"evil double\" of Luigi when Nintendo didn\'t feel like using their brains.

Waluigi is not Waluigi, Waluigi is \"Wario Luigi\"

WTF. Originality, right there.

( Edited 05.07.2008 02:29 by SuperLink )

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Waluigi (unlike wario) Has been planning (apparently) to take over the world for quite some time (he actually tried in one of the spin off game.... what a loser). Waluigi is also known to be more cunning than anything else, but most of his plans (plans? he had more than one?!?) backfire, showing that he is more or less comic relief. He is Wario\'s REVENGE partner, and will stop almost immediately when boring work is required...

I copied and pasted that from an E-mail reply from Nintendo... I added in the ().. but I wonder if they made it up. But still it would be interesting to play as Waluigi in a main game (HE SWIMS THROUGH THE AIR!!!)

EDIT: Also I kinda made the stupid \"REVENGE\" in capital... and I added two more \".\" at the end to signify the end of the part of the E-mail.

( Edited 05.07.2008 02:40 by edracon )

Spin off game? You mean Mario DDR? I also think Wario has both general awesomeness and comic relief covered.

I still think Waluigi is a bit pointless. Smilie Playing an epic Mario RPG can make you really doubt someone like Waluigi is the "most cunning".

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I agree with you there, Waluigi is pointless. But, IMO, he is not a bad character, he just needs a main game to prove himself good, or at least build a backstory.
EDIT: by \"I agree with you there\" I mean your whole post. Also the whole Mario-verse is comic relief.

( Edited 05.07.2008 04:47 by edracon )

Stulaw said:
I do not at all get why Bozon from Ign hates this, it looks so good.

It's a dumb ass opinion, that waggle immediately means something crap when related to Wii. All forms of controls scheme can work excellently if implemented well.

Looks stunning. Day one for me.

I dont get it guys... looks like its a DS game, then it would be awesome. I just have a hard time with this oneSmilie

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

DS couldn't do this. Look at the big chunky sprites, the level of detail and the things like the smoke clouds. It could pull of a version of it, but not with the same clarity I don't think.

This post is directed towards the earlier posters in the Waluigi dispute.

While I agree Waluigi was a dissapointment as far as an original character goes, I think its because he has only been a playable character in the sports/party games.

I think Nintendo would do well to create one big epic RPG (in leu of SMRPG, the Paper theme has gone too far) and make Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Peach and Daisy the playable characters and party members. This way, players could finally get aquatinted with Daisy and Waluigi who have never been in a storyline before and have NO backstory or character traits.

Wishful thinking.

Anyway...this game looks boss, and i will be getting my hands on it.

Daisy has a backstory and character traits. Maybe not as much as Rosalina but more than Pauline.

Mason said:
Looks stunning. Day one for me.

Same here, I can honestly say I've never seen such high quality sprite animation.

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I love how they've actually got proper anime cutscenes as well...a Nintendo first? I'm so glad they're putting this much effort into a 2D game (though I'm slightly disappointed they're not doing it in-house, I reckon they're probably keeping a close eye on this one after the DS Wario didn't turn out as well as people would've liked).

I liked the footage, but to be honest this is not one of the games that are on my list to buy.

The concept seems a little half-hearted to me (though certainly not in the production values), it looks like someone in Nintendo thought why don\'t we just tack on some pointer and motion controls on to a 2D game and put it out there.

Whilst this is almost certainly the case with Super Paper Mario, alot of the things done in that game were quite original (such as the dimension flipping and such like). Whereas this just looks lack another lack luster Wii title.

( Edited 06.07.2008 00:11 by Tman!! )

Wario moves slow, it is a no wonder why i dont use him so often in Mario DS, anyway. But he do really PACKS A DESTRUCTIVE ATTACK!

Sifu Avenger said: Hey, as long as you know all my shadow attacks! (Laughing) Hero Natliusx said: I once died, I also once was reborn to give all my souls to live. (Clenched his hands)

Okay, the sprite animation is really cool. Smilie
Looks pretty sweet, but I'm not sure if I'd buy it. I'll wait and see.

Oh, all you Waluigi haters... lol Smilie I personally love him. He kicks ass. But to each their own. To compare him to the pseudo Sonic-clones is a bit rediculous, imo. Even though I don't mind them much, they can't possibly be compared to Waluigi.

Oh, and for the record, the name "Waluigi" is an amalgam of the Japanese word "warui", which means "bad", and the name "Luigi" to form a name that effectively means "Bad Luigi". It's quite clever, actually. Though, it's easy to see how one can conclude it's just a cheap Mario-Wario name rip-off due to the simple "Wa" inserted before "Luigi" in English.Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

edracon said:
I agree with you there, Waluigi is pointless. But, IMO, he is not a bad character, he just needs a main game to prove himself good, or at least build a backstory.
EDIT: by "I agree with you there" I mean your whole post. Also the whole Mario-verse is comic relief.

How bout Luigi's Mansion 2 with him as the main boss? That'd stick him up there!

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