C3: Smash Bros. Brawl Tournaments

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.07.2008 16

Fancy showing off your battle skills and taking on top C3 brawlers? With the European release last week, we've launched a few tournaments..

Image for C3: Smash Bros. Brawl Tournaments

It's time to don your skills, whip out the battered controller and compete for the ultimate crown of Super Smash Bros.

There'll be numerous different tournaments going on each month, with multiple rules and regulations for each. Fancy a traditional free-for-all battle? Or is a dedicated no-items, Final Destination the choice for you?

General Rules

  • Each tournament will last 2 weeks.
  • 16 people per tournament, 5 stock battles, no time limit.
  • The first two brackets will last 4 days each, the final two being played out over 3 days.
  • Players must contact their opponents to arrange a time within the 3 days to do battle (via PM, the Smash Bros. chat, email etc).
  • Winners will receive C3 stars: 10 stars for 1st place, and 5 for runner-up.
  • No-Items Tournament
  • Any character allowed.
  • Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville only (unless agreed between players).
  • No items allowed.
  • Friendly Tournament
  • Any character allowed.
  • Any stage allowed.
  • All items allowed.
  • Randoms Tournament
  • Random characters and stage must be selected.
  • All items allowed.
  • To enter any of the tournaments, please see the official tournaments topic and click through the links for the most recent tournaments.

    If players don't do battle, or make contact they will be instantly disqualified.

    Happy brawling!!

    Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    HAL Laboratory







    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (594 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    I'm up for it.

    Just Have to finish tidying my room.

    Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
    NNID: Stulaw
    Guest 02.07.2008#2

    I like the idea of different tournament types, I would join, but I have no Brawl Smilie, and the UK connections lag like mad apparently.

    ( Edited 02.07.2008 14:03 by hexpunK )

    I'm in! I think that the tournaments should be region specific: one for europe and one for america as to reduce lag.

    Than we wouldn't have enough players for the American side would we? The rules sound good. I'm up for some c3 ssbb tourney.

    Yeah I don't know if we'd have enough American members... Besides Australia is pretty far away too.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Yea I see lag will be the major issue with this tournament, amongst the AUS/US players to UK/Europe players. Hmmm...

    ( Edited 02.07.2008 14:35 by mOojc )

    mOojc said:
    Yea I see lag will be the major issue with this tournament, amongst the AUS/US players to UK/Europe players. Hmmm...

    What are we to do so? Endure the lag seems like the best option.

    Yeah also try at different times of day, since it seems to work better at some times.

    Otherwise just endure the lag. I imagine if the Brawl you own is of your own region the lag should be better than in has been in the past few months.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    Yeah also try at different times of day, since it seems to work better at some times.

    Otherwise just endure the lag. I imagine if the Brawl you own is of your own region the lag should be better than in has been in the past few months.

    Early in the morning I think would be the best time to Brawl as it won't be as busy in the evenings, and a weekday.

    Im up for it!

    I am up for it.. although I am in AUS.

    Sure, please check out the official topic and select a tournament/tournaments you'd like to enter. Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Aussies can enter, right?

    Can brawl anytime now.....if you want an easy win
    BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...

    A_man_92 said:
    Aussies can enter, right?

    Yes. Anyone can.

    *sigh* wish i can have my own wii and SSBB then i can whip all of your ass... Beside, i am out. SmilieSmilieSmilie

    Sifu Avenger said: Hey, as long as you know all my shadow attacks! (Laughing) Hero Natliusx said: I once died, I also once was reborn to give all my souls to live. (Clenched his hands)

    once i get wi-fi i wanna try the no items tournament.

    Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

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