Nintendo's promotional fliers for Wario Land Shake (Wii), Rhythm Tengoku Gold (DS) and Legend of Starfi 5 (DS) have now been revealed. Check them all out below [ Click to Enlarge ]:
![Stafy returns to DS](/media/2008/May/jesusraz/stafyds5a.jpg)
![Wario Shake, a 2D platformer on Wii!](/media/2008/May/jesusraz/warioshakea.jpg)
![Rhythm Tengoku returns on DS](/media/2008/May/jesusraz/tengokudsa.jpg)
The TOSE/Nintendo-developed Starfi game is the fifth in the popular platforming series and hopes are high for Densetsu no Starfi Taiketsu! to actually see a Western release this time, unlike the previous four. Cubed³'s reviews of the previous DS outing and the third entry on the GBA can be found here and here.
The flier for Rhythm Tengoku Gold shows that this is no mere port of the popular Japanese-only GBA title, but a fully-fledged DS sequel from the team that brought us WarioWare.
Talking of Wario, the new Wii game Wario Land Shake has been confirmed as being a 2D side-scrolling game. This is not for WiiWare, but will be a full Wii retail release. Wario Land Shake will have hand drawn backgrounds with toon-shaded characters, and Japanese blogger sinobi reckons "The definitive Wario platform game may have finally been produced. Even people who just like 2D platformers should buy this." It will be a 'lively action' game, according to reports coming out of Japan, in which players will shake the Wii Remote, as well as tilt it, to make things occur in the game (like shake enemies to get coins, uncover hidden locations and so on). There will be twenty stages in total (more than Wario Land 4 on GBA), will just be a single-player adventure, and will span various locations such as jungle ruins, deserts and oceans. There will also be a throwing technique activated once again using the Wii Remote's motion sensing capabilities, with the controller seemingly being held on its side like a NES pad. Finally, vehicles are making a welcomed comeback, with rockets and submarines being mentioned, and it appears the Wii controller's speaker will play some role related to these vehicles.
Expect more details very soon as these games are due out in Japan in just over a month...