Wii Fit Topples PlayStation 3 Lifetime Sales in Japan

By Adam Riley 24.05.2008 9

The full Media Create software and hardware charts have been updated and it has been revealed that the Wii Fit package, including the Balance Board, has now surpassed the lifetime sales of the PlayStation 3 in Japan, with Sony's console falling to almost its lowest ever ranking and Wii Fit still selling considerably well on a week-to-week basis. Elsewhere, in the fallout after the Golden Week holiday period, Monster Hunter nudges back ahead of Mario Kart Wii, whilst the PlayStation Portable continues its stint atop the hardware chart. There are also strong starts for Luminous Arc 2 on DS and Battalion Wars II on Wii, both starting slightly stronger than their previous editions.

Media Create Top 50:
12th-18th May, 2008

PositionTitle/System/PublisherSales (Plus Total Where Available & Commentary)
1.)Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP, Capcom)53,248 | 2,045,000
2.)Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo)41,739 | 1,269,000
3.)Luminous Arc 2: Will (NDS, Marvelous Entertainment)40,753 | NEW
4.)Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 (PSP, Sony)39,403 | NEW
5.)Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo)34,847 | 2,074,000
6.)Battalion Wars II (Wii, Nintendo)24,213 | NEW
7.)DS Beautiful Letter Training (NDS, Nintendo)15,477 | 218,000
8.)Link's Crossbow Training (Wii, Nintendo)14,442 | 156,000
9.)Drum Master DS: Seven Island Adventure (NDS, Bandai-Namco)14,182 | 147,000
10.)Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo)10,206 | 2,989,000
11.)Pok�mon Ranger: Batonnage (NDS, The Pok�mon Company)Dropping from No.6
12.)The ColoUr Blue (PS2, Success)New entry
13.)Musou Orochi: The Evil King Returns (PS2, Koei)Back up three places
14.)Valkyria Chronicles (PS3, Sega)Climbing one
15.)Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)Falling three
16.)We're Fossil Diggers (NDS, Nintendo)Dropping from No.9
17.)Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo)Falling six
18.)Tottado! Yowiko's Deserted Island Life (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Sliding four places
19.)Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo)Falling quickly, down nine
20.)Deca Sporta (Wii, Hudson)Plummeting from No.7
21.)SimCity DS 2: From the Past to the Future (NDS, EA)Leaping back up six spots
22.)Kanji Brain Test 2.5M (NDS, IE Institute)Climbing three
23.)The Darkness (360, Spike)New entry
24.)New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo)Slipping five spots
25.)Home Teacher Hitman Reborn! DS: Fate of Heat (NDS, Takara-Tomy)Dropping from No.17
26.)Pro Baseball Spirits 5 (PS2, Konami)Sliding three
27.)Gyakuten Saiban (NDS, Capcom)Back up four places
28.)Emblem of Gundam (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Back down six places
29.)Professor Layton and the Curious Village (NDS, Level 5)Re-entry for the first entry in the series
30.)Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi wo Yobu Cinema Land (NDS, Banpresto)Dropping six places
31.)Pok�mon Diamond (NDS, The Pok�mon Company)Back up two as Pok�mon fever starts to creep back up in Japan
32.)Gyakuten Saiban 3 (NDS, Capcom)Leaping back up nine places
33.)Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (NDS, Level 5)Re-entry for the second game in the series
34.)Animal Crossing Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)Falling just four spots
35.)Mario Party DS (NDS, Nintendo)Dropping surprisingly quickly from No.18
36.)Gyakuten Saiban 4 (NDS, Capcom)Back up six places
37.)Naruto: Shippuuden Shinobi Retsuden II (NDS, Takara-Tomy)Quickly down from No.20
38.)Yatterman DS: Surprising, Startling Battle (NDS, Takara-Tomy)Falling hard, down from No.21
39.)Harvest Moon: Shining Sun and Friends (NDS, Marvelous Entertainment)Considering the previous game sold nearly 300,000, this is sadly only just over 100,000 and down five this week
40.)Gyakuten Saiban 2 (NDS, Capcom)Jumping back up six
41.)Kanji Test 2 (NDS, Rocket Co.)Down two places
42.)Pok�mon Pearl (NDS, The Pok�mon Company)Down six places
43.)DS Bookkeeping, Level 3 (NDS, Square-Enix)Re-entry
44.)More English Training (NDS, Nintendo)Back up five
45.)Drum Master DS (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Falling quickly from No.29
46.)Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (NDS, Nintendo)Plummeting twenty places!
47.)Everyone's General Knowledge Training TV (Wii, Nintendo)Back down from No.35, despite renewed advertising on the Nintendo Channel
48.)There in Japan (PSP, Sony)Down a further eight
49.)Pro Baseball Spirits 5 (PS3, Konami)Sliding four
50.)Go, Gen-san! Sunset Carpenter Story (PSP, Irem)New entry

Media Create Hardware Chart

FormatThis WeekLast Week2008 SalesLifetime Sales
PlayStation Portable70,53689,8841,754,6239,356,217
Nintendo DS34,90551,2281,378,15722,551,208
PlayStation 37,7018,054408,6022,050,278
PlayStation 27,0227,464221,29421,148,331
Xbox 3601,4741,29856,501563,842

Stick around for more Media Create updates next week...

Box art for Battalion Wars 2








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Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (54 Votes)

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I'm glad BWii did well. That jewel of a game deserves it.

It's worth noting that Luminous Arc 2 started stronger than the original and the first BW sold 21,516 in its first week, tapping out at just over 55,000 sales in total. Looks like the Wii edition could improve upon that.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This just shows how different the japaneese are to the west.

PSP is right on top. Whereas here I cant remember the last time I even heard the mention of PSP, almost as if it quietly slipped away and died.

Pretty suprising that PS2 sales for the week are almost the same as PS3 sales. The PS2 stopped being receiving 'top' games after 2005. Now halfway through 2008, PS3 *should* be doing better than this.

Im fairly sure the PS2 was selling more than the PS1 in 2003.

I am not that surprised Bwii is doing well there, it's got a style and gameplay mechanic that Japanese players were always going to like.

Some may even think it's a Japanese developed game because of the name Kuju, which means...something in Japanese I cannot remember just now.

Well if it does do well there it could bode well for another game. The Voice Chat system should be running by then.

Kuju are already working on multiple projects.

Plus, the ending of BWii certainly left it open for another. Man, the online on that game sapped so much of my life away.

So a third of all Wii owners in Japan own Wii Fit...


Good to see Luminous Arc 2 doing so well. I enjoyed the first one.

Damnit, I thought this was going to be a thread about a video of 'Wii Fit Topless Play'. That would have been a hilarious typo

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

If The Sun newspaper doesn't do something like that I'd be very surprised, since it's done topless Wii Sports in the past...

And to think the Balance Board, which many thought wouldn't take off like it has done, has managed to quickly out-sell the PS3 is pretty shocking.

Nice to see both Layton games pop back into the chart. I wonder if there was a price promotion or something, like with the four Ace Attorney games?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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