Nintendo Confirms New DS Euro Colours, Plus Cooking in June

By Adam Riley 21.05.2008 15

Nintendo has confirmed the release date for Cooking Course on DS, as well as new DS colours for Europe:

Get ready for a double treat this summer as the season is set to be full of tasty food and colourful new Nintendo DS Lites! Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat? and the Nintendo DS Lite will allow you to experience a simple and convenient way to choose, prepare and cook a variety of 250 international dishes. Preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner with Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat? on one of three exciting new Nintendo DS Lite colours of Red, Turquoise or a European first, Green is set to be a whole new mouth watering experience!

Going beyond the capabilities of printed cookbooks, Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What to Eat? will guide each budding chef step by step through all the processes involved in cooking a tasty dish by talking and guiding the player through each recipe. With its numerous international recipe choices, dish search options, videos and simple step-by-step guides to choosing, preparing and cooking a dish, turning even the most hesitant of cooks into confident chefs will be simple. Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat? is controlled through the Nintendo DS's Touch Screen and by the user's voice through the console's microphone. It is simple for everyone to use, no matter what their previous experience � either with a Nintendo DS or in the kitchen!

Featuring approximately 250 international dishes, finding the perfect recipe to cook has never been so fun! Broken down into easily searchable groups, discover the perfect dish by country, ingredient, difficulty level or even amount of calories to name but a few. There are so many options available everyone will be catered for!

Once a decision has been made about what to eat, users can set about creating a culinary masterpiece with the Cooking Guide chef who will talk you through each step of the way. As your hands will be busy preparing and cooking the ingredients, simply speak into the Nintendo DS's microphone to progress through each stage of the recipe. Each step can be repeated as many times as necessary, so you can prepare your meal at your own pace.

Not sure how to use a certain utensil or the ideal substitute for an ingredient? Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat? can tell you all you need to know with its handy Cooking A-Z. Providing in depth illustrated details on everything from chopping techniques to explaining cooking terminology, no query will be left unanswered. It can also create a handy shopping list for that all-important visit to the supermarket and can even be used as a kitchen timer!

Containing a plethora of recipes and a range of helpful and easy to use functions, Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat will be a useful addition to anyone's kitchen.

With the vibrant new Red, Turquoise and Green Nintendo DS Lites hitting shelves across Europe on 13th June 2008 at the estimated retail price of around �99 and Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat? arriving on 20th June 2008, at the estimated retail price of around �30, Summer has never looked so appetising!

Image for Nintendo Confirms New DS Euro Colours, Plus Cooking in June
Image for Nintendo Confirms New DS Euro Colours, Plus Cooking in June
Image for Nintendo Confirms New DS Euro Colours, Plus Cooking in June
Image for Nintendo Confirms New DS Euro Colours, Plus Cooking in June

Images via [url= ]NeoGAF{/url].

Keep your eyes peeled for more...

Box art for Cooking Guide: Can't Decide What To Eat?








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European release date 20.06.2008   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Q2 2008   

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The green one looks cool.

I totally want that game or "application", as some would call it. I love the quirky things Nintendo has. Come to the U.S. soon!

I'd be all over the blue one if it wasn't such a lame colour.

I've never been closer to wanting a DSL though. My bro's broke aswell, so it might soon be time for a new DSL each. The red one is nice, but it's very... sharp on the eyes. It sticks out like a stick... in the floor... sticking out of the floor...

The green one looks pretty nice though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

you guys are getting a green one... Im so fucking jealous. You don't even know.

My wife dissed my cooking abilities yesterday.

I like the shopping list idea. That would make it practical for me to use.

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

Is the blue one the Ice Blue the Japanese got?

Nintendo are calling it turquoise.

If it was turquoise, my bro would be all over it. But he's not, so it's not. Nintendo are LIAAAARS.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

My god just use the internet

Green is pretty cool... I might see if I can get this for my birthday in the summer.. otherwise knowing Nintendo it'll be sold out for a year!

Shame, sounds like this won't be coming with the cool fridge magnet DS holder that the Japanese got, so that you don't need to leave your DS by the actual stove...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Is it just me or does the Red DS look kindah pinkyish!?!?

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

No Avatar said:
Is it just me or does the Red DS look kindah pinkyish!?!?

It's subliminal messaging!

Since it's to do with cooking it must be the FLESH coloured DSL!

Nintendo ~ "Now you can cook while playing games on a machine made of RAW MEAT."

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I am definitely going to look into getting that Green one. I really wanted the silver Lite but it was sold out so quickly.

For someone who can cook bloody well , it is pointless for me, i may get it and give it to my mum who fuses food together to make a weird dish. Do you rekon she would be offended? XD

Echoes221 said:
For someone who can cook bloody well , it is pointless for me, i may get it and give it to my mum who fuses food together to make a weird dish. Do you rekon she would be offended? XD

indeed she will, most food Alchemist get angered when their cooking is criticizedSmilieSmilie

any way does anyone know when these will hit the US? I've been waiting for green since the launch of the original DSSmilie

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