Rumour: Disaster Delayed Due to Real Disasters?

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2008 17

Rumours have suggested Nintendo have delayed the release of Disaster: Day of Crisis due to real-life natural disasters.

According to the folk at NeoGAF, 2ch rumours have suggested that the main reason the title has seen a delay in Japan is due to the unfortunate disasters that have recently occurred in Asia and that the company would find it disrespectful to promote a game about natural disasters.

Thanks to C3 reader Echoes221 for the tip.

Box art for Disaster: Day of Crisis








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2ch? It doesn't sound unlikely. They've delayed/banned various games/programs in the past due to disasters, but 2ch is about as reliable as 4chan.

Could just be speculation, but if there really were disasters I'm sure that's the reason anyway.

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Guest 18.05.2008#2

Allright, makes sense.
They should at least wait until everything's been repaired, especially electricity.

Makes sense.

It would sound about right really. Good on them for showing respect.

Guest 18.05.2008#5

Actually, this can't be the reason. The game is probably a long way off of being completed and still quite shit so they need more time to turn it into something people are actually interested in enough to buy it.

Well, to me it makes sense, the japanese dont want to be reminded of the disasters that have/are happening. Games are usually used for escape, and if they have loast loved ones in the earthquake or any natural occurance, the last thing they want to do is to play a game that will depress them further.
That, or its very ironic that they are producing a game about natural disasters, and one just happens before launch, what would you do if you were in the production teams of that game. You would wait because otherwise you would have the worst timed video game, and the worst promotion and sales for that period.

( Edited 18.05.2008 16:36 by Echoes221 )

Guest 18.05.2008#7

Yeah, so not out of respect for the victims, just for better sales.
The company would find it disrepectful, lol.

Bart.... said:
Yeah, so not out of respect for the victims, just for better sales.
The company would find it disrepectful, lol.

Yes, but to me it seems they have taken the general populations opininons into this decision and have delayed it so it does not make them look bad and make the japanese feel worse.

Its like someone close to you getting killed with a glass bottle, then someone gives you a game of Manhumt to play...., get the gist?
Have a look at this link fo concrete proof:

( Edited 18.05.2008 17:08 by Echoes221 )

Sounds quite possible. Any extra time given to it for polish can only be a good thing either way.

Guest 18.05.2008#10

Echoes221 said:

Its like someone close to you getting killed with a glass bottle, then someone gives you a game of Manhumt to play...., get the gist?

You're comparing someone getting murdered, then replaying the murder in a game to a natural disaster and a game in which you save people from natural disasters.

No, I don't get the gist.

Good point I guess, although it hadn't occured to me. Let's hope they can use the time to improve the game a bit.

Bart.... said:
Echoes221 said:

Its like someone close to you getting killed with a glass bottle, then someone gives you a game of Manhumt to play...., get the gist?

You're comparing someone getting murdered, then replaying the murder in a game to a natural disaster and a game in which you save people from natural disasters.

No, I don't get the gist.

Well, its the same differance *cough*, people in asia have lost loved ones in the earthquake, then handing them a game about it, its not Kosha.
See the connection?

reminds me of MGS2 release and the changing in that game, albeit that was a little more specific.

I think Nintendo may feel that they'd be leeching off the publicity. Imagine the marketing campaign: "Save people from Natural Disasters" - with images/video of these. Wouldn't be right imo.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Echoes221 said:
Well, to me it makes sense, the japanese dont want to be reminded of the disasters that have/are happening. Games are usually used for escape, and if they have loast loved ones in the earthquake or any natural occurance, the last thing they want to do is to play a game that will depress them further.
That, or its very ironic that they are producing a game about natural disasters, and one just happens before launch, what would you do if you were in the production teams of that game. You would wait because otherwise you would have the worst timed video game, and the worst promotion and sales for that period.

Didnt Nintendo delay one of the Advance Wars games because of the world trade center attacks or america launching the iraq war, so it wouldn't bre the first time a game was delayed for context-sensitive things. But I doubt that this game is being delayed because of disasters. Most of the mhave happened in the past few weeks, and when was the last time we've heard some real concrete info on the game? I doubt it'll be out this year at all.

Yet they couldnt wait to release Conflict Desert Storm...

I guess it makes sense...

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