E3 2012 Feature | Cubed3 at the Nintendo Post-E3 Event

How quickly a year passes, but it is wonderful how you can meet up with certain people again and hit it off like you only saw them yesterday. The recent Nintendo post-E3 event arrived earlier than expected this year, only a week after the conference that Nintendo seems to have been slated for in terms of 'throwing it away.' Nintendo, or 'old faithful' as nobody ever calls it, brought a slew of fantastic games along, and the delightful Nintendo UK team were out in full force.
Image for E3 2012 Feature | Cubed3 at the Nintendo Post-E3 Event

I need to get this off my chest to start with... Anyone who has read these sort of articles over the past nine or so years will know how I have a penchant for the odd free nibble and tipple, and Nintendo has never disappointed. This year? Tea, coffee, orange juice...and nothing else. Not even a measly biscuit or rottle o' reer *hic* However, as someone said to me, "Today is about products, not produce!" *sigh* Image for E3 2012 Feature | Cubed3 at the Nintendo Post-E3 EventGames and games alone it was then. Finally meeting the woman deemed as 'the replacement for Rob Saunders" for the first time, my key question to the amicable Jo Bartlett was where best to start. NintendoLand. Good suggestion! After all, opinion was split on this after being shown on stage at E3. The result was a highly shocking one. Okay, it is not quite as intuitive as Wii Sports and its resort-based successor, but it certainly proved to be a superb example of how Nintendo is hoping to bring a whole new dynamic to multiplayer gaming, whilst also bringing lots of far service to the table for consumption. More details will be discussed in the hands-on report, but tilting the GamePad to guide a cart along a tumultuous Donkey Kong stage and taking control of multiple guards using both analogue sticks on the GamePad in the Animal Crossing game were definite raucous highlights.

Image for E3 2012 Feature | Cubed3 at the Nintendo Post-E3 Event

There were some regrets that there was nothing in the Wii slate, with Rhythm Heaven and Project Zero 2 absent, and no sign of the inevitable localised Inazuma Eleven Strikers and Kirby Anniversary disc. However, as with E3, the focus was meant to be Wii U only, with even Nintendo 3DS having four games on show: New Super Mario Bros. 2, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Dawn, and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate. Where were Heroes of Ruin and Theatrhythm? Sadly Nintendo has picked up the former and sent it to die at retail, but let us hope the same does not happen with the amazing latter title!

Image for E3 2012 Feature | Cubed3 at the Nintendo Post-E3 Event

Anyway, Wii U focus, yes. Wii Fit U was a brilliant extension of the previous two fitness fun titles, New Super Mario Bros. U was far improved over its DS and Wii counterparts, whilst Pikmin 3 was not shown in as much detail as hoped but still shined as a great progression from the first two releases. Game & Wario ditches the microgame approach of yesteryear, but is nonetheless still highly addictive and as wacky as ever, and then there were the third party offerings.


Ninja Gaiden 3, Batman: Arkham City, the stunning Rayman Legends, the delectable Trine 2: Director's Cut, and the quirky Scribblenauts Unlimited. Oh, and Zombi U, a game Nintendo is touting as exclusive whilst Ubisoft tells all and sundry it will likely be brought to iOS devices as well in the future. The Resident Evil wannabe has a lot left to prove, but turned out a solid performance that mixed in elements of realism into the mix for good measure. Could it be Ubisoft's answer to Red Steel at the Wii launch? Possibly, but the controls certainly need tweaking to make for a smooth fear-filled experience.

Image for E3 2012 Feature | Cubed3 at the Nintendo Post-E3 Event

Cubed3 staff is at Nintendo's event all week, so hands-on will be flowing from all corners. Sit back and enjoy the upcoming coverage!

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I'm amazed Nintendo UK didn't use their old ploy of getting people drunk.

ZombiU needs something akin to the AI Director in Left 4 Dead and the upcoming Aliens game, if it doesn't I fear it will be yet another shoddy launch experience like Red Steel. Canned sequences are lame, moments like the zombie in the cupboard moment from the demo, will do little to appeal to core gamers. The game needs to feel fresh with every play-through. I don't think Ubisoft have given the project the resources it needs to make an impact, I see more negative aspects than good in the demo.

ZombiU is an interesting one - you die, you come back as as another randomer who must then start again, looting the zombified version of your previous character. However, I kind of got frustrated by the way when you scan or search items there is no indication of zombies coming to attack. No growls, no feedback on the controller, no warning signal - just the sudden red glow on the sides of the screen as you're being mauled.

In a way it makes it realistic to a degree, but even in 'real life' if monsters were shuffling towards you, there'd be some noise. They are undead, after all, not stealth ninjas!

The game played quite well, but the controls definitely need some work before release.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
ZombiU is an interesting one - you die, you come back as as another randomer who must then start again, looting the zombified version of your previous character. However, I kind of got frustrated by the way when you scan or search items there is no indication of zombies coming to attack. No growls, no feedback on the controller, no warning signal - just the sudden red glow on the sides of the screen as you're being mauled.

In a way it makes it realistic to a degree, but even in 'real life' if monsters were shuffling towards you, there'd be some noise. They are undead, after all, not stealth ninjas!

The game played quite well, but the controls definitely need some work before release.

I do like the one-life concept.

I know that's intentional having seen interviews. Hopefully there will be some aural cues at the very least in the final game.

Do you have a gun or other melee weaponry when you have to retrieve the survival kit/bag?

( Edited 13.06.2012 17:00 by Linkyshinks )

You start off with a basic pistol and a cricket bat.

The rest of the C3 gang are at today's super long event (until 9pm Smilie ), and tomorrow's as well. I'm just writing up my thoughts on NintendoLand at the moment Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I wish I could have gone with you guys, if only my exams weren't on at the moment Smilie.

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NNID: Stulaw

The first of the hands-on articles is going up tonight. Folks, brace yourself for Nintendo Land! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
steve grim (guest) 16.06.2012#7

still no news on inazuma eleven strikers release date Smilie
dose anyone even know if it will be called that?

It will be featured in Nintendo's next release list update...that's all I can for now Smilie I think Prof Layton 3DS as well, to be honest.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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