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My bad week

Now Playing: Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
Now Listening to: Anything that's rap
Now Watching: The OC(my fav tv show)

Well, this is my first journal entry since i just joined the forums, so i'll tell you about my whole week. And man was it bad.

First, i was grounded from the computer for 6 days. Second, i lost my bus pass on the FIRST day and had to buy a new one with my own money. Third, my website(tmkrpg.com) was ruined after a administrator i trusted got mad deleted all the threads and forums. (spent more then 100 hours on it, it's a Mario RPG). Fourth, my bus was 15 minutes late and i missed a lot of my gym class, also i've had to work for 3 hours today with my stepmother nagging like shes my mother.(and if i speak up my dad gets mad at me). Also, ive had allergies all week plus my dads cold, ive had about 12 hours sleep this week. Smilie To top it all off, I'm having terrible luck finding a writing job for websites and i missed my fav tv show. There is more but my favorite shows on(again), maybe that'll cheer me up. Bye for now!

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