Got this through the post today from the Scottish Qualifications Authority:
Says it all really
Okay, so I think everyone here knows how excited I am about the Wii and the prospect of getting one on launch day. Granted it won't be the only console I get (eventually a 360 will be in my home) but a Wii is first priority. So for a while now I've been collecting loose change in my 2 cow banks and decided today (out of boredom) to count it:
Hey guys and gals. Sorry bout the lack of updates but my blogger blog ( is now really my main blog. However I strive to update all so here's what's been happening with me.
First up I got official, certificate confirmation of my passing of my HNC in computing. College is 100%, definitely officially over and I kept my 100% record. YEEHAA. Effing brill, so uni awaits. Spooky. I'm now about half way through summer school and met loads of cool people and it's eye opening. So a quick hi to the people I met and would actual say hi to if I saw them although they will probably nevber see this. Hello Andrew, Vinny, Hannah, Emma, Louise, Chris, Kerry, Angela and Briesh. My accent is also a BIT softer (which is odd) and it seems my academic life is stabilising once more. Have a web report and 3 essays due in within the next few weeks, but 1/4 of the way through that
What else...what else.... oh yeah. As you all know I won
So yeah, obsessive posting of late has propelled me up to the upper echelons of post levels. Eep, 5000 posts and level 100. Never thought I'd actually get here. So yays to members I like and jeers to the rest and mehs to the ones I've forgotten about.
Elsewhere I'll hopefully be mirroring this blog with my new blog at so keep an eye on that, you're all welcome to drop by. summer school is going well and I'm already taking a day off
Footy, still drooling over the Argies Second goal. England were uninspiring and should be put out by Portugal. That'll be swish Italy vs Aussies today, Italy should overcome them but credit to the Aussies for making an impact.
So being lvl 100 I suppose I've become one of the l33t on the board so as I climb this marble staircase away from the blog, I beg of you... avert your eyes! [/simpsons reference]
Anyone who likes Scrubs will know why JD has to pump his hips, because he's doing his victory dance. And boy am I victory dancing at the moment.
Firstly let us wander through my day. Today I had to go out into uni as they haven't gotten my timetable to me for summer school yet. So it was travelling on two trains to get in, one of which being the underground. On the underground I got in and there was a creepy looking guy sitting with unkempt hair, scurffy clothes and a gateway bag (and it hasn't been gate way for 10+years, it's been somerfield for ages). He looked something like this
A striking woman then got on, about 20-21 and dressed well. Obviously working in an office of some description. She remained standing despite a great deal of seats. Creepy guy sat and stared at her, vaguely sweating and licking his lips. She spotted this and sat down next to me with frightening pace, urgency and accuracy. She then started talking to me, which stopped him staring and we chatted for a bit. Nice lady. I thought I'll wait until either he gets off or she gets off before I get off as I was in no hurry. But lo and behold he wanted to get off at the same stop as me. As I stood up to go myself she indicated her thanks to me and I wandered off.
Now in Glasgow the line between creepy and insane is measured only by a criminal record, so despite my weight and general physical build I decided not to overtake the loony who could have it in for me. And I wasn't keen on finding out what was in that bag. So I kept my distance behind him, and walked my route. He stayed infront of me but kept looking behind at me in a very paranoid way. I had to take a right turn, so I began to speed up so I wouldn't be "blocked" by the street cleaner just behind me. The mad guy then sprinted off! Ran away. Scarpered! He thought I was following him
So, nipped in and got my timetable then took the train back into the real centre of town and picked up the new Rangers top.
Excuse my hair, it needs a shave. My hair seems intent on becoming an afro when I leave it to grow. Anyways, got that then traded in the boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring Another Code. Got
The subject heading is misleading, all trainer manufacturers encurred my wrath today.
Right, recently my calf decided to curl up and die on me. However the recent warm weather was sped up recovery and I am allowed to exercise next week. Huzzah! And as I'm attending summer school I'll beable to use the top class gym for free for the Summer. Who's a crafty consumer with my summer plans? Me, that's who!
Now, we have a problem. My trainers are, for want of a more eloquent and desireable term, well and truely fucked. 3 years of Hockey, Football, Basketball and athletics took it's toll. Holes, a squeaky sole and for some reason a "new car smell" are all tell tale signs of age and it's finally glad to retire the old girls. I also need new shorts because
(to be blunt) if I lunge in my present shorts then half of Scotland faints with overexcitement.
So off to JJB for some sport shopping... my most despised shopping.I'm sporty but these shops are awful. Always small fat boys being pushed towards the football boot section by dads trying to live out their failed childhood dreams. First up the trainer section... the start of my annoyance. Now, I'm a size 7/8. I say / because I am never a straight 7 or a straight 8. So trainers either crush me or fly off my feet. Now do they have the mystial size of 7.5? Do they fu...but I thought I'd try.
"Excuse me mate, do you have any seven and a halfs?"
"No mate, they don't do those"
The small boy next to me spoke up.
"Do you have these in five and a half?"
"Sure mate."
I had to cut in again.
"Hang on mate, so they have five and a halfs but no seven and a halfs"
"No mate"
I then realised something bizzare. Why the hell are my trainers more expensive than that of a smaller footed man? WHY?!?!?! Can you imagine that in clothing? This shirt in a small costs
My calf is torn again, not as bad as last time but still pretty bad. So I'm mighty peeved. Also my best friend (who I've mentioned before) is away on holiday for a month to Hong Kong (lucky so and so) so I'm missing her. And yet more tech problems developed in Granda's computer. Seems that the modem aol supplied is shit and it keeps losing power between the PC and the modem (it's usb powered). So he's ordered a router/adsl modem and it's mains powered. Should free me up from tech support for a bit.
Amidst all these problems today seemed to be going better. My room is still a tip since moving in 2 years ago, so I set to tidying it. With throwing clothes out and folding clothes up I freed up 2 chest of drawers which went to mum for storage of her tools etc etc. This freed up room in my room. Swish! As a result there was much moving of shit in the front porch and as a few rolls of carpet emerged needing to go up into the loft. My calf was feeling better enough that I could limp without pain so I wanted to do the gentlemanly thing and get the huge rolls of carpet into the loft. I ascended well, got to the top and one of the boards slipped. I went over on my ankle and fell, cracked my wrist against the ladder and I fell through the loft space. My right arm shot up and grabbed the top rung of the ladder, which is slipping away as this is happening. The ladder then tipped backwards, slamming my arm against the loft space and leaving me dangling in pain. The ladder then fell completely, I dropped and grabbed the edge of the loft space. Managed to pull myself up and wait until the ladders were put back up for me.
And C3 has been down, what a shit few days!
Why on Earth am I such a chump? Do I have "Free Tech Support" emblazoned on my forehand?! I was back on my Grandfathers PC today attempting to fix the PC he has ruined.
Now this PC isn't THAT bad, but what he does with it is terrible. I took me 4 hours to get everything uninstalled, cleaned up, registry fixed, viruses cleaned, new things installed. So I took action. I now have n account with admin privaleges and it's password protected. Essentially, their accounts are now pwned by my one Mwahahahahahaha. John fights back! It's just so irritating that once youhave the knowledge you have to use it for free with family. I should start charging an hourly fee...
Elsewhere I got Hitman Blood Money. Good but nasty, you get strange looks on the train when you have a sketch of the map in game and you are mubling incoherent half sentences about guard patrols and muzzle velocity to yourself. Seriously wish this was on the GC, hate using Dualshock for it Also got Sonic Mega Collection and fell in love with it again. Sonic 3 is amazing. The boss fight in Marble Garden
Amazing. Go Tails!
Now must dash, Ching He Huang is on UKTV Food and... well... I love her
Good evening chumps and chumpettes!
Well I'm in a good mood, beat a mate at Pro Evo online tonight. But we got pretty competitive and money was slapped on the table prior to playing. All in all I won
What a strange feeling I have streaming through my veins as I type. You see, my recent passing of an exam I took meant I am one piece of coursework away from getting into Uni. University is not just a goal of mines, it's symbolic of how difficult it's been for me to succeed academically and it's vital for me that I get there. It'll put the past behind me and start a new chapter in my life. One free of misconceptions, lies, betrayal and solitude. I have friends at Uni who like me for me and not the creature I created to survive my teenage years, I have a chance to make a genuine success of myself and be happy.
One piece of coursework that has sat 3/4 finished for a week. I now have everything I need to complete it... so why the hell haven't I touched it all day. I sat and stared at the screen, at the blinking cursor acting as a timer, mirroring my heartbeat as my mind turned white and I became lost in a sea of listless thought and meaningless daydreams.
This happened everytime I sat down to work, why on Earth must I procrastinate in such a manner? I get this in tomorrow, my tutor gives it the green light and I can officially say I will be at University come October. This will be the culmination of 4 years work, 4 years of dull work, 4 years of my life that I decided to dedicate to my future. Why should I freeze now, When I have the chance to end it all and begin anew?
Fear of failure? No, it's an easy piece of work and I know what I have to do. It'll take all of 15 minutes. Lack of self discipline? I'm the most disciplined person I know (apart from one person, but she's weird). Fear in general... that's something different.
I have a few reasons to be scared of going the final step. It'll be the final death of me as "School John", which'll be tough for me. To survive school I created a persona, an arrogant fucker who thought he walked on water and could pull any girl he put his mind to. A slight undercurrent of violence acted as a foundation to this character and it followed me from the age of 12. Getting to Uni means the death of this person and I have no idea now how I'll be without it. I'll have no need to be him, I can be me. Now though I don't know who "me" is.
I've also always been a very big fish and a very small pond, always been thought of the smartest, the "brainiest" the most erudite, articulate and charming guy. Leaving for Uni means I'll become the faceless student, just another drone walking through campus. There's been countless HazukiSan's at uni, I'll merely be the 2006 model. Having to create another reputation, another social circle, another life obstensibly. I already know people at Uni, but they don't really know me. They haven't been there day in day out seeing who I am when it isn't an event to meet them.
There's also my best friend at Uni. My only true friend really. Everyone else is either an acquaintance or too far away to maintain a real friendship. She actualy understands me, empathises and can interest me and challenge me. She bring out a person in me that I think could be the real me, I hope it is at least. It's this kind person, who can be fun, who can socialise properly, who can go out without being overly edgy and aggressive. I feel like a real, normal person around her and not a freak... as I felt at school/college. I wanted more with her... but it wasn't to be. Seeing her daily, speaking to her, geting even closer to her... I'm not sure I could handle it. I'm worried I'll wreck the friendship with my yearnings for her... infact I'm terrified.
The cursor is still blinking... it'll stay blinking until tomorrow as I cannot bring myself to typing. My fingers simply won't move. Paralysed with fear? Highly probable. I will get it done eventually, but the reality is hitting me as my eyes droop and my consciousness grows weary. My life is changing. I'm no longer a young teen with his life open to him, I'm closing things off, my life is beginning to go down a specific path. All those possibilities, all those chances... gone. I'll be at Uni... studying psychology... I have a new best friend... I love a new girl... I haave new disappointments and my reputation is going to come to a close. I'll once again be a nothing.