Ugh, you ever had a few days that buttfuck you mercilessly? Well the past couple of days have been like that for little old me. For starters I was registering for uni and all that jazz. Very scary, very worrying, very busy and I got my timetable out. I'm sure someone hasn't looked upon a piece of paper with this much fear and revulsion since the German provisional government looked at the Treaty of Versailles and feared for their children.
Monday to Thursday, 9am-6pm and on Friday 9am-4pm. Now it takes about an hour to commute so in reality 8-7 and 8-5. Ontop of studying I'll have time to myself. It was Biology that killed it off, lectures every day + labs + tutorials. I then had to pay out
Okay, time for a proper blog. As you all are no doubt aware I paid a visit to Lancaster to visit my very dear friend Vikki and her stand up boyfriend Mike. You may know them as ShinyRainbow and Mason.
So I boarded the train from Glasgow Central and a lovely excruciating train ride followed. I was sat across from a woman who took up the whole table with her archaic laptop. So inconsiderate! I decided to take action, so with DSL in hand I loaded up Brain Training and decided to have fun. The stroop test was my weapon, cue me talking to the DS in the general stroop test way ("blueee," re..yellow!"). Boy she looked nervous. About 30-45 mins from Lancaster I got ludicrously nervous, drumming fingers, feeling sick. Received a text from Vikki indicating the same, phew! Actually calmed me down. Climbed off the train and after a few seconds saw Vikki walk around the corner. She is as amazing in person as she is online, an absolute delight to finally meet her. So we went off to the hotel then over to hers where I met Mike. Absolutely top guy, seriously funny guy. He is what inspired the gift purchased for me by the happy couple.
Their town fruit, animal crossing stylee. So I ate it in three bites and wiped my mouth. So we hung out for a bit, grabbed a bite to eat (Subway FTW) then headed out to Walkabout for drinks and merriment.
Now I must point out I haven't been on a night out in AGES and haven't had a drink in just as long. Also hadn't eaten much that day. After a couple of tequilas and drinks I was slightly drunk, as was Vikki. Mike claimed he was but he seemed pretty sober to me...well compared to me and Vikki who sat next to each other for most the night hugging each other and laughing at words like jalapeno and wang. And sucar. Picture time!
Now most the night is a blur, I vaguely remember saying something about going to Lancaster Uni and something about Germany. Best parts of the night was Vikki shouting at the people who stole our seats and being slagged for being underweight. "I CAN FEEL YOUR RIBS". After coming home and helping Mike out with Vikki I was eventually allowed to stagger home to the hotel inside which I decided that I didn't actually want to leave Mike and Vikki. I felt guilty and wanted to cry (as is my nature, I'm a crying drunk) but the door presented a that I couldn't unlock it. So in an altruistic mood I decided my Animal Crossing town needed visiting and weeding. Once that was done I flicked on ITV play and phoned up wanting to win 60k. I wasn't right though, fuckberries.
The next day was supposed to be visiting various Lancastrian sites, however when you are awoken by a text asking what happened last night you sort of know that you'll be having a lazy day. So spent the morning with Vikki as Mike was at work. God talk about lazy, lying listening to music and occasionally remembering something about last night or feeling extremely sick. Or shouting at passing trucks making loud noises. Was great to talk to her though, msn really has nothing on real life. Once Mike got home I returned to the hotel to give the couple some space and to give myself the joy of a snooze. 3 hours later and I awoke, huzzah! The rest of the night was relatively calm, Chinese food and Peep Show (I'll broom you!). Oh and a worthless chav tried to nick my phone. Wankbag.
Final day was well sad, didn't want to leave to be brutally honest and like any good trip it's affected a few other things as well. The small taste of freedom is quite addictive and now I'm stuck living at home. Also my girlfriend is being a BIT odd with me tonight. And I discovered just how possessive my family is. But on the whole an excellent trip. Oh and Vikki is a god at Brain Academy...
seriously don't even try to beat her.
Just back in and pretty tired after travelling and my back is a bit sore, was stuck standing the whole journey back up north. Blech. I'll post properly later so for now I leave you with a pic:
Auf Weidersen guys and gals.
Yes after 19 years of sitting in Scotland with rare jaunts out for Spanish holidays and flying from Manchester I'm actually finally getting a very short break into that little country most of you hail from. I'm off for 3 days (including travelling) to England to meet the delightful Vikki (ShinyRainbow) and in turn meet fellow staff member Mason. I'm quite excited about this as the prospect of Shiny and I both being hyper together in the same room will be something very unique and just to get away from Scotland for a few days will be nice. Let my hair down (what is left of it, I'm going bald) for one last time before uni starts.
However what you think would be a simple trip to visit a friend throws up countless complications. Firstly booking the hotel was an effort in frustration on my part.
"Hi, I'd like to book a room"
"Oh, ok. Specifics?"
"Excuse me?"
"What do you mean, specifics?"
"Well what kind of room?"
"Well what do you have?"
"What kind of rooms do you have on offer?"
*she proceeds to run throw rooms, I indicate one I want which she actually gets*
"Oh right, Mr Boyle. I'll need your credit card details to verify details"
*The next part took 10 minutes of repeating numbers*
"Now, when do you want it?"
"I'll be arriving on the Tuesday and leaving sometime on Thursday"
"*sighs heavily* Tuesday...until...Thursday"
"okaythxbye" *hangs up*
Then had the fun and games of telling my girlfriend where I was off to.
"Hey, you know how you are working all next week."
"Well... I'm going down south for a few days"
"Oh right, cool. Where."
"...erm, it's to visit someone I know from Cubed3"
"It's fine, she's a good friend"
"*sighs* But I wouldn't be seeing you anyway as you'd have work and it isn't as if anything would happen she has a boyfriend and I'm seeing you and even if we were single there's nothing there"
"*relaxes*, okay"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, have fun and buy me a present!"
So score! And she's actually okay with it not the whole faking being okay then bringing it up every two seconds. Then came the family, which reminded me of in Malcolm in the Middle when the little black boy in the wheelchair is talking to his parents about having friends.
"Yeah, I'm going down south for a couple of days."
That lasted for about 2 days until they actually talked to me about it and are cool, nothing beats over protective families I then had the problem that I hadn't been away anywhere in a while and needless to say it's tricky to fit even a pair of jeans and a shirt into my backpack because even though I'm underweight I'm still about 5 ft 11, 5 ft 12 and my clothes are looong. So had to get a new bag, impossible to find. Then this morning I was sitting in my room and gazed upon the bag which holds my consoles. Perfection! So emptied my NES, MS, MD, 32X, MCD, Saturn, DC, GameBoy and GameGear and let it air for a bit. Console smell away clothes went in. So popped out for a few odds and ends today and met my girlfriend and grabbed a nice late long lunch were there was much hugging and what not then got some money out the cash machine before a realisation hit me. Not all English places accept Scottish money...
Oh well, hardly any cash anyways. Which reminds me I need to contact the Scottish uni money people. Fuckberries. I register for uni on Monday and need all my forms but no bursary form as of yet given to me despite repeated requests. Angry phone call needed methinks. Ugh, what a busy time of the year.
Anyways don't see myself posting until Friday maybe Saturday as even when I get back I intend on doing very little So enjoy the peace and quiet and I'll return to masturbate furiously over the new Wii info at the weekend.
You see what I did with the title there? Weighting game? Like Waiting game? Hehe, I'm priceless. So yeah, as you all know as I think I've moaned about it for a while now I've been underweight and getting weight on is tricky so I've started taking those build up drink things as recommended by my girlfriend and dear god do those things taste bad. They smell like strawberry milkshake, and they taste like it at first but then it leaves this weird coating on your tongue and an aftertaste that is like hell itself. If I don't put weight on rapidly with this I'll be killing the lovely girl who recommended it and I'll be laying seige to the Nestle factory within a week. Anyone up for an angry mob laying seige then drop me a pm.
Elsewhere it's been a mighty busy few days, I've been blowing money like never before and Orange must love the amount of top ups I'm buying. This combined with me making a small jaunt down south for a few days has made me ever so glad that my loan and student bursary get paid in at the end of the month. Praise the good money people! My Wii fund stays untouched though, only in major emergency would I delve into my beloved Wii money
Gaming wise with my gaming back catalogue completed I've headed head first into Ouendan hard mode and the final level therein. It frustrated me so much that my DSL had an untimely meeting with the wall. Cue my short fuse getting even shorter as the DSL simply rebounded off the wall showing the gameover screen. Still no hinge crack on it though
Anyways must dash-a-roo. Visiting the Grandmother and Grandfather today so am expecting to be bored s***less for the next hour or so. Tataa!
Ugh, quite the sicky day today. Stomach feels like it's rebelling, the joys of Prozac... anyways. I'm taking full advantage of the gap before uni and in between getting my weight back up and boring certain people to death over the phone (you know who you are) I've been clearing my gaming back catalogue.
Recently I noticed through a post on this very forum I've lost the knack for completing games. I used to be a gaming marine, taking on games of all genres and wiping them off the face of the planet with ease and style. However looking at my games collection I had hundreds of pounds worth of games just sitting there doing nothing...well doing nothing is a slight lie. They were taunting me. Anyways, I decided to buckle down and restore some gaming pride. Paper Mario: TTYD was finished first, frankly because I found it orgasmically cute. Next up was GUN, which I'd purchased from a couple of C3 forum-ers. This was actually a pleasant prize as I really got into it, something about being a cowboy just struck a chord with me. Riding into town slowly and hopping off with my six shooter to kick some ass was serious fun. Next up was The Rub Rabbits, and I loved it. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic and it was nice to play a game in pursuit of love after the gore-fest of GUN. Not as fun as Feel the Magic but it introduced the whole notion of holding the DS sideways, upside down etc to me. My mindrunneth over with the possibilities. Don't worry though, I won't do a ch_revival... I don't even know how to make a pdf.
New Super Mario Bros got the 100% treatment afterwards, a few of the stars were baffling but the satisfaction of getting those 3 stars next to my file was second to none. And for the record I own everyone at Luigi poker. The announcement of BWii got me back to the original in a final push to finish it and send the Xylvanians to hell! Now I absolutely love BW but the Fort Omaha level had me frustrated really since the day I got it, but once past it sheer unadulterated joy was the only thing that followed. I await you all at BWii, I am king of the ligh infantry.
Finally came the biggest challenge. I'd been saving this bad boy for when I had a major gaming itch, for when my world slowed down to the degree where I'd need my old hobby back to past the time. Trauma Center: Under the Knife. I'm not sure if it's healthy to have headaches out of sheer frustration when playing a game but meh, it was a fun jaunt through bioterrorism. Incredibly frustrating though, knowing that you are not being screwed over by poor game but that you simply are not moving quickly enough. Just finished that a few hours ago though, to much dancing and jumping around.
So back catalogue finished, well actually Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones is still there but I'm saving that for playing when I'm out. Now the problem is buying new games. I have pre ordered Phoenix Wright 2 and there is the Wii of course but I don't think there's anything else. My GC games library is officially completed and I don't think there is anything new on the DS for me yet. Could it be that my wallet will not be abused over the next month or so in the name of gaming? We'll have to wait and see.
Elsewhere I've been on a bit of a geek purchase spree of late (embracing my personality and all that) and two deliveries today marked the temporary end of my geeky purchases until I get cash or a rich gal to keep me in the lifestyle I'm accustomed to. I got the second Penny Arcade book delivered (which kicks so much ass) and the Red vs Blue 1st season DVD. Warning for anyone ordering anything frm RvB, it took them 2 weeks to get one DVD to me.
I think that's me, health wise I'm melowing out on Prozac and slowly but surely getting the weight back on. I've been itching to go on a good night out but noone seems keen, which is pissy annoying. Ah well, sods law I guess. I must dash, the shower calls.
Well, it's a reasonably slow night on the boards so may aswell get my next blog entry up even if it's just to push one of the pointless one's off the top 3.
Today was a bizarre start, I got up wiping the sleep from my eyes and turned my laptop on whilst pouring myself a glass of pomegranet juice (as is my routine) when I realised that the Leipzig conference was on. Oh noes! Also I was the only staff member who seemed to be on. Double oh noes! So my self imposed exile from C3 work stopped effective of this morning as I started the trawl of news sites, press releases and the posting of news pieces. As much as it was a bit odd doing it all again it was nice to keep my brain occupied with something other than depression. Also Bwii, fuck yeah!
Also cleared out my work drarwer (which had 3 year old notes which I no longer need) and got myself sorted for something of a day-trip tomorrow with a good friend of mine. Museum and a late lunch, lovely civilised stuff. Oh and caught a spider (which is big for me, arachnophobic). It was tiny but still, yay! Oh and completed normal mode on oeundan, fuck me that is a tough last level. Great music though, downloaded the soundtrack.
Oh and found my massive Samus poster ONM sent me but not too sure I want it. Who was it on the forums who was envious of Frazzles?
Must dash, see you soon folks.
Hey people, it's been a busy week in the prozac addled world of HazukiSan and if you don't mind I'd like to fill you all in on it.
A great deal of the week has been me dealing with moodswings mostly thanks to a very unwanted email dropping into my inbox informing me that I had a person asking for my "MySpace" account. It was my former best friend from school, and we have had a bit of a fractured past. For the best part of school we were like brothers, as close as I've been with anyone. Zero secrets, maximum trust and he was a great guy. Then in fifth year of secondary school I became popular, in that I wasn't toally hated and I had a wide group of friends. I had a partner (I say partner as what we had in no way constituted a relationship, it was more someone having a hold on me), which he resented a bit and he also envied my popularity. You see he was hardly popular, he was liked by those who knew him but not adored. Neither was I but someone looking in may have seen it that way. Almost everyone I knew left at the end of fifth year and I was left going into sixth year with only enemies around me and a teaching staff who despised me. The new fifth years came up and my friend sold me down the river to be popular with them. All my secrets went, I became the butt of every joke and he effectively destroyed the friendship. So: the year went terribly, I fucked my exams up and I was broken...had to go to college for a year (which I also hated). Still no contact and I essentially took it that he was out my life, which I was ok with. He wasn't a good person anymore. Then last week he wanted added to myspace and left a sarcy comment or two. I essentially sent a short message back saying "whatever" (or words to that effect) and deleted him. I then got an email pleading for forgiveness and saying how he regretted what he did in the friendship and generally saying how he wanted to start anew. I had a wee think, this guy was so close to me in the past. But I felt betrayed, the times when I really needed someone to stand against my back and fight against life with me he was absent. The worst was my secrets going, I couldn't let that go. So I sent an email back essentially saying friendship over and have a nice life. Tataa. He then sent an email back which really floored me. That my blog had done the rounds of everyone I went to school with and the only two people I'd kept in touch with from school had been ripping my blog apart and they'd made me the butt of every joke. I deleted the emails, deleted everyone involved from my msn, yahoo, address book, phonebook and went through a few days of moodswings. I was so angry that he and indeed the whole school circuit could floor me and make me feel so down. I thought I was past all this, I thought I was bigger than that now. I hated him for that, I hated me for the fact I still held him and those halfwits from school in such a regard that they could still hurt me like this. I've moved on, I have two very close friends that mean the world to me and a circle of acquaintances who are great people. So I hopped onto MSN and vented my spleen to the ever patient Vikki, and in her own brilliant way she made me feel better (thanks, mega huggles honey). Which was super, a few days of moodswings but they are levelling off now and I'm slowly but surely starting to feel like me.
Elsewhere have started to ease myself back into work on C3. Did one or two news pieces and have started to write up one or two previews. It's actually tougher than I thought getting back to this but at the same time I'm itching to focus on something that isn't me. I've also been doing the loft (which is about half cleared) and loving Osu Tatakae Ouendan! My first 100% Japanese import game and I'm so glad Mike talked me into buying it. Very good game, gotta love J-Pop and J-Rock. Oh and met with my temporary advisor of studies, he helped me choose my subjects for uni. Psychology, Biology and Science Fundamentals. He was nuts though, apparently I'm a gentleman and am a resiliant chap!
Anyways I'm off to find something else to do. Until next time folks, tataa!
Just a quick blog. Just waiting for the group chat thing with Penny Arcade to start, really looking forward to it. In other words got Ikaruga for the GC (my DC version died...sniff) and the doctor put me on Prozac for a few months for my depression. So hopefully I'll be kicking ass and taking names as per usual.
Oh and dug my DC out for a quick blast, forgot how amazingly amazing I was/am at Crazy Taxi and Virtua Tennis 2. Serious gaming skills, don't think you can ever top how good you were at games as you get older. Sad really.
Must dash-a-roo. Things are happening on XFire.
Okay, Vikki's (Shiny) blog reminded me how I've neglected this blog. So here's a quick update of my life.
Okay for starters I'm 99% positive I'm suffering from depression and it's gotten pretty bad. Not sleeping, eating, am losing weight rapidly and generally feeling terrible. Am off to the docs tomorrow to get some help on it. It's generally making life utterly shit and extremely tough. The nice lords and masters at C3 have kindly let me lay off of C3 work and I am unable to complete my final essay for summer school. This is really pissing me off but the Psychology essay took longer than expected and really drained me, so am in the process of sending meails out to let everyone know I won't be doing the Politics essay. Thanks to Mike for cajoling me into it. So either therapy or AD's await me tomorrow, kinda nervous but this has to be seen to. Had gone about 48 hours without sleep until I just collapsed exhausted earlier today and that's just not on. Luckily I have friends who are simply amazing and seem able to get me through anything.
Elsewhere I'll be renovating the loft over the next month or so, inorder for me to move up. Now moving up presents a conundrum in terms of decoration. Do I put art up and make it a refined sophisticated room, or do I embrace my geeky side. Let's just say my most recent purchase has confirmed which way I am inclined.
Love the shirt, I'm considering posters and such like for my room. I think I'm getting geekier as I get older but I've decided to embrace it as somehting that's just me. Also note in that pic how thin my arm is, I've lost a fuck load of weight, seriously. So any suggestions for what to put in my room? My TV, GC, PS2, DC and other assorted consoles will make the jump along with my laptop, plasma ball and lava lamp but apart from that I have no idea. I will be getting these however:
Big pic so best click this to see it
Anyways that's me for the moment, byes.