Greg Giddens

Greg has a strong passion for technology and prides himself on his knowledge and understanding of old, current and emerging gadgetry. Having spent several years trying to find the perfect fit for where he wanted to build a career, he became a videogames journalist, writing about and critiquing games for various places.

Greg Giddens's Latest Reviews

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

No longer top of the league

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

There ain't no party like a Jackbox Party… Pack 3… for Nintendo Switch!

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

nuGAME try to produce something new, by combining the mechanics of Breakout and Pong.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Cubed3 dives into VR title, GNOG, on PC.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Voxel Shot VR: a short and unfortunately dissatisfying wave-based VR shooter with some good ideas.

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Read all of Greg Giddens's Reviews

Greg Giddens's News Posts

Title Date Comments
Review: NBA 2K21 (Xbox One)24.09.20200
Review: The Jackbox Party Pack 3 (Nintendo Switch)28.08.20200
Review: Triple Breakout (Wii U)15.04.20190
Review: GNOG (PC)23.10.20180
Review: Voxel Shot VR (PC)30.05.20180
Review: Mr. Shifty (Nintendo Switch)01.05.20170
Review: VR Sports (PC)25.04.20172
Review: Fated: The Silent Oath (PlayStation 4)07.04.20170
Review: Yooka-Laylee (Xbox One)04.04.20176
Review: The Crow’s Eye (PC)22.03.20173
Review: Heaven Island Life (PC)19.03.20170
Review: DiRT Rally VR (PlayStation 4)17.03.20171
Review: Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers (PlayStation 4)01.03.20170
Review: How to Survive 2 (Xbox One)23.02.20170
Review: Plantera (Wii U)14.02.20170
Review: Samurai Sword VR (PC)05.02.20170
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