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Cooking Mama on Wii1) Cooking MamaAdd Cooking Mama to your collection Add Cooking Mama to your wishlist
smebb owns 1 Wii game

Super Nintendo

California Games II on Super Nintendo1) California Games IIAdd California Games II to your collection Add California Games II to your wishlist
Captain America and the Avengers on Super Nintendo2) Captain America and the AvengersAdd Captain America and the Avengers to your collection Add Captain America and the Avengers to your wishlist
Casper on Super Nintendo3) CasperAdd Casper to your collection Add Casper to your wishlist
Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss on Super Nintendo4) Castlevania: Vampire's KissAdd Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss to your collection Add Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss to your wishlist
Chrono Trigger on Super NintendoChrono Trigger5) Chrono TriggerAdd Chrono Trigger to your collection Add Chrono Trigger to your wishlist
ClayFighter on Super Nintendo6) ClayFighterAdd ClayFighter to your collection Add ClayFighter to your wishlist
Cool Spot on Super Nintendo7) Cool SpotAdd Cool Spot to your collection Add Cool Spot to your wishlist
smebb owns 7 Super Nintendo games

Nintendo 64

Carmageddon 64 on Nintendo 641) Carmageddon 64Add Carmageddon 64 to your collection Add Carmageddon 64 to your wishlist
Conker's Bad Fur Day on Nintendo 642) Conker's Bad Fur DayAdd Conker's Bad Fur Day to your collection Add Conker's Bad Fur Day to your wishlist
smebb owns 2 Nintendo 64 games


Crazy Taxi on GameCube1) Crazy TaxiAdd Crazy Taxi to your collection Add Crazy Taxi to your wishlist
smebb owns 1 GameCube game
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