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Silence_Knight's complete collection

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Super Nintendo

Cool Spot on Super Nintendo1) Cool SpotAdd Cool Spot to your collection Add Cool Spot to your wishlist
Donkey Kong Country on Super NintendoDonkey Kong Country2) Donkey Kong CountryAdd Donkey Kong Country to your collection Add Donkey Kong Country to your wishlist
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest on Super NintendoDonkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest3) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong QuestAdd Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest to your collection Add Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest to your wishlist
F-Zero on Super NintendoF-Zero4) F-ZeroAdd F-Zero to your collection Add F-Zero to your wishlist
Final Fantasy VI on Super NintendoFinal Fantasy VI5) Final Fantasy VIAdd Final Fantasy VI to your collection Add Final Fantasy VI to your wishlist
Gradius III on Super NintendoGradius III6) Gradius IIIAdd Gradius III to your collection Add Gradius III to your wishlist
Silence_Knight owns 6 Super Nintendo games

Nintendo DS

Asphalt Urban GT on Nintendo DS1) Asphalt Urban GTAdd Asphalt Urban GT to your collection Add Asphalt Urban GT to your wishlist
Silence_Knight owns 1 Nintendo DS game

Nintendo 64

Banjo-Kazooie on Nintendo 641) Banjo-KazooieAdd Banjo-Kazooie to your collection Add Banjo-Kazooie to your wishlist
Bomberman 64 on Nintendo 642) Bomberman 64Add Bomberman 64 to your collection Add Bomberman 64 to your wishlist
Bust-A-Move 2 Arcade Edition on Nintendo 643) Bust-A-Move 2 Arcade EditionAdd Bust-A-Move 2 Arcade Edition to your collection Add Bust-A-Move 2 Arcade Edition to your wishlist
Diddy Kong Racing on Nintendo 644) Diddy Kong RacingAdd Diddy Kong Racing to your collection Add Diddy Kong Racing to your wishlist
Donkey Kong 64 on Nintendo 645) Donkey Kong 64Add Donkey Kong 64 to your collection Add Donkey Kong 64 to your wishlist
Excitebike 64 on Nintendo 646) Excitebike 64Add Excitebike 64 to your collection Add Excitebike 64 to your wishlist
Gex 64: Enter the Gecko on Nintendo 647) Gex 64: Enter the GeckoAdd Gex 64: Enter the Gecko to your collection Add Gex 64: Enter the Gecko to your wishlist
GoldenEye 007 on Nintendo 648) GoldenEye 007Add GoldenEye 007 to your collection Add GoldenEye 007 to your wishlist
Silence_Knight owns 8 Nintendo 64 games


Duck Hunt on NES1) Duck HuntAdd Duck Hunt to your collection Add Duck Hunt to your wishlist
Silence_Knight owns 1 NES game


Animal Crossing on GameCube1) Animal CrossingAdd Animal Crossing to your collection Add Animal Crossing to your wishlist
Bomberman Jetters on GameCube2) Bomberman JettersAdd Bomberman Jetters to your collection Add Bomberman Jetters to your wishlist
Evolution Worlds on GameCube3) Evolution WorldsAdd Evolution Worlds to your collection Add Evolution Worlds to your wishlist
F-Zero GX on GameCube4) F-Zero GXAdd F-Zero GX to your collection Add F-Zero GX to your wishlist
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on GameCube5) Final Fantasy Crystal ChroniclesAdd Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles to your collection Add Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles to your wishlist
Silence_Knight owns 5 GameCube games

Game Boy Color

Bionic Commando: Elite Forces on Game Boy ColorBionic Commando: Elite Forces1) Bionic Commando: Elite ForcesAdd Bionic Commando: Elite Forces to your collection Add Bionic Commando: Elite Forces to your wishlist
Crystalis on Game Boy Color2) CrystalisAdd Crystalis to your collection Add Crystalis to your wishlist
Donkey Kong Country on Game Boy Color3) Donkey Kong CountryAdd Donkey Kong Country to your collection Add Donkey Kong Country to your wishlist
Dragon Warrior I & II on Game Boy Color4) Dragon Warrior I & IIAdd Dragon Warrior I & II to your collection Add Dragon Warrior I & II to your wishlist
Dragon Warrior III on Game Boy Color5) Dragon Warrior IIIAdd Dragon Warrior III to your collection Add Dragon Warrior III to your wishlist
Silence_Knight owns 5 Game Boy Color games

Game Boy Advance

Banjo Pilot on Game Boy Advance1) Banjo PilotAdd Banjo Pilot to your collection Add Banjo Pilot to your wishlist
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty2) Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's RevengeAdd Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty Add Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty
Columns Crown on Game Boy Advance3) Columns CrownAdd Columns Crown to your collection Add Columns Crown to your wishlist
Digimon Battle Spirit 2 on Game Boy Advance4) Digimon Battle Spirit 2Add Digimon Battle Spirit 2 to your collection Add Digimon Battle Spirit 2 to your wishlist
Donkey Kong Country 2 on Game Boy Advance5) Donkey Kong Country 2Add Donkey Kong Country 2 to your collection Add Donkey Kong Country 2 to your wishlist
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls on Game Boy Advance6) Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of SoulsAdd Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls to your collection Add Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls to your wishlist
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on Game Boy Advance7) Final Fantasy Tactics AdvanceAdd Final Fantasy Tactics Advance to your collection Add Final Fantasy Tactics Advance to your wishlist
Fire Emblem on Game Boy Advance8) Fire EmblemAdd Fire Emblem to your collection Add Fire Emblem to your wishlist
Golden Sun on Game Boy Advance9) Golden SunAdd Golden Sun to your collection Add Golden Sun to your wishlist
Golden Sun: The Lost Age on Game Boy Advance10) Golden Sun: The Lost AgeAdd Golden Sun: The Lost Age to your collection Add Golden Sun: The Lost Age to your wishlist
Silence_Knight owns 10 Game Boy Advance games

Silence_Knight owns 36 games in total.

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