 | 1) Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City | | |  |
 | 2) Battalion Wars 2 | | |  |
 | 3) Call of Duty: World at War | | |  |
 | 4) Case Closed: One Truth Prevails | | |  |
 | 5) Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire | | |  |
 | 6) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King | | |  |
 | 7) Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon | | |  |
 | 8) Guitar Hero: Aerosmith | | |  |
 | 9) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption | | |  |
 | 10) My Pokémon Ranch | | |  |
 | 11) MySims | | |  |
SakuraMartinez owns 11 Wii games |
 | 1) Bleach: Dark Souls | | |  |
 | 2) Bleach: The Blade of Fate | | |  |
 | 3) Blue Dragon Plus | | |  |
 | 4) Digimon World DS | | |  |
 | 5) Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime | | |  |
 | 6) Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen | | |  |
 | 7) Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride | | |  |
 | 8) Final Fantasy Tactics A2 | | |  |
 | 9) Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings | | |  |
 | 10) Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy | | |  |
 | 11) Harvest Moon DS | | |  |
 | 12) Harvest Moon DS: Island of Happiness | | |  |
 | 13) Hoshigami | | |  |
 | 14) Inuyasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel | | |  |
 | 15) Legacy of Ys: Books I & II | | |  |
 | 16) Luminous Arc | | |  |
 | 17) Luminous Arc 2 | | |  |
 | 18) Lunar Knights | | |  |
 | 19) Lunar: Dragon Song | | |  |
 | 20) Naruto: Ninja Council - European Version | | |  |
 | 21) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | | |  |
 | 22) PictoChat | | |  |
 | 23) Pokémon Diamond and Pearl | | |  |
 | 24) Pokémon Link | | |  |
 | 25) Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia | | |  |
SakuraMartinez owns 25 Nintendo DS games |
 | 1) Pokémon Crystal Version | | |  |
 | 2) The Powerpuff Girls: Bad Mojo Jojo | | |  |
SakuraMartinez owns 2 Game Boy Color games |
 | 1) Astro Boy: Omega Factor | | |  |
 | 2) Beyblade G-Revolution | | |  |
 | 3) Beyblade VForce: Ultimate Blader Jam | | |  |
 | 4) Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure | | |  |
 | 5) Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls | | |  |
 | 6) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance | | |  |
 | 7) Golden Sun: The Lost Age | | |  |
 | 8) Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak | | |  |
 | 9) Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town | | |  |
 | 10) Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories | | |  |
 | 11) Pokémon Emerald Version | | |  |
 | 12) Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen | | |  |
 | 13) Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team | | |  |
SakuraMartinez owns 13 Game Boy Advance games |
  | 1) Pokémon Yellow Version | | |  |
SakuraMartinez owns 1 Game Boy game |