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Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City on Wii1) Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the CityAdd Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City to your collection Add Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City to your wishlist
Call of Duty 3 on Wii2) Call of Duty 3Add Call of Duty 3 to your collection Add Call of Duty 3 to your wishlist
Eledees on Wii3) EledeesAdd Eledees to your collection Add Eledees to your wishlist
ExciteTruck on Wii4) ExciteTruckAdd ExciteTruck to your collection Add ExciteTruck to your wishlist
Mario Kart Wii on Wii5) Mario Kart WiiAdd Mario Kart Wii to your collection Add Mario Kart Wii to your wishlist
Mario Party 8 on Wii6) Mario Party 8Add Mario Party 8 to your collection Add Mario Party 8 to your wishlist
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on Wii7) Metroid Prime 3: CorruptionAdd Metroid Prime 3: Corruption to your collection Add Metroid Prime 3: Corruption to your wishlist
New Super Mario Bros. Wii on Wii8) New Super Mario Bros. WiiAdd New Super Mario Bros. Wii to your collection Add New Super Mario Bros. Wii to your wishlist
Pokémon Battle Revolution on Wii9) Pokémon Battle RevolutionAdd Pokémon Battle Revolution to your collection Add Pokémon Battle Revolution to your wishlist
Super Mario Galaxy on Wii10) Super Mario GalaxyAdd Super Mario Galaxy to your collection Add Super Mario Galaxy to your wishlist
Super Smash Bros. Brawl on Wii11) Super Smash Bros. BrawlAdd Super Smash Bros. Brawl to your collection Add Super Smash Bros. Brawl to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on Wii12) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessAdd The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to your wishlist
Wii Sports on Wii13) Wii SportsAdd Wii Sports to your collection Add Wii Sports to your wishlist
Keven owns 13 Wii games

Super Nintendo

Super Mario World on Super NintendoSuper Mario World1) Super Mario WorldAdd Super Mario World to your collection Add Super Mario World to your wishlist
Keven owns 1 Super Nintendo game

Nintendo DS

Animal Crossing: Wild World on Nintendo DS1) Animal Crossing: Wild WorldAdd Animal Crossing: Wild World to your collection Add Animal Crossing: Wild World to your wishlist
Big Brain Academy on Nintendo DS2) Big Brain AcademyAdd Big Brain Academy to your collection Add Big Brain Academy to your wishlist
Kirby Super Star Ultra on Nintendo DS3) Kirby Super Star UltraAdd Kirby Super Star Ultra to your collection Add Kirby Super Star Ultra to your wishlist
Mario Kart DS on Nintendo DS4) Mario Kart DSAdd Mario Kart DS to your collection Add Mario Kart DS to your wishlist
Metroid Prime Hunters on Nintendo DS5) Metroid Prime HuntersAdd Metroid Prime Hunters to your collection Add Metroid Prime Hunters to your wishlist
New Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo DS6) New Super Mario Bros.Add New Super Mario Bros. to your collection Add New Super Mario Bros. to your wishlist
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on Nintendo DS7) Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyAdd Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney to your collection Add Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney to your wishlist
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All on Nintendo DS8) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For AllAdd Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All to your collection Add Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All to your wishlist
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations on Nintendo DS9) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & TribulationsAdd Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations to your collection Add Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations to your wishlist
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl on Nintendo DS10) Pokémon Diamond and PearlAdd Pokémon Diamond and Pearl to your collection Add Pokémon Diamond and Pearl to your wishlist
Pokémon Ranger on Nintendo DS11) Pokémon RangerAdd Pokémon Ranger to your collection Add Pokémon Ranger to your wishlist
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia on Nintendo DS12) Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of AlmiaAdd Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia to your collection Add Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia to your wishlist
Professor Layton and the Curious Village on Nintendo DS13) Professor Layton and the Curious VillageAdd Professor Layton and the Curious Village to your collection Add Professor Layton and the Curious Village to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks on Nintendo DS14) The Legend of Zelda: Spirit TracksAdd The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks to your wishlist
Keven owns 14 Nintendo DS games

Nintendo 64

Super Mario 64 on Nintendo 64Super Mario 641) Super Mario 64Add Super Mario 64 to your collection Add Super Mario 64 to your wishlist
Keven owns 1 Nintendo 64 game


Super Mario Bros. on NESSuper Mario Bros.1) Super Mario Bros.Add Super Mario Bros. to your collection Add Super Mario Bros. to your wishlist
Super Mario Bros. 3 on NESSuper Mario Bros. 32) Super Mario Bros. 3Add Super Mario Bros. 3 to your collection Add Super Mario Bros. 3 to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda on NES3) The Legend of ZeldaAdd The Legend of Zelda to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda to your wishlist
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on NES4) Zelda II: The Adventure of LinkAdd Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your collection Add Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to your wishlist
Keven owns 4 NES games


Burnout 2: Point of Impact on GameCube1) Burnout 2: Point of ImpactAdd Burnout 2: Point of Impact to your collection Add Burnout 2: Point of Impact to your wishlist
F-Zero GX on GameCube2) F-Zero GXAdd F-Zero GX to your collection Add F-Zero GX to your wishlist
James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire on GameCube3) James Bond 007: Agent Under FireAdd James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire to your collection Add James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire to your wishlist
James Bond 007: Nightfire on GameCube4) James Bond 007: NightfireAdd James Bond 007: Nightfire to your collection Add James Bond 007: Nightfire to your wishlist
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! on GameCube5) Mario Kart: Double Dash!!Add Mario Kart: Double Dash!! to your collection Add Mario Kart: Double Dash!! to your wishlist
Mario Party 4 on GameCube6) Mario Party 4Add Mario Party 4 to your collection Add Mario Party 4 to your wishlist
Medal of Honor: Frontline on GameCube7) Medal of Honor: FrontlineAdd Medal of Honor: Frontline to your collection Add Medal of Honor: Frontline to your wishlist
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun on GameCube8) Medal of Honor: Rising SunAdd Medal of Honor: Rising Sun to your collection Add Medal of Honor: Rising Sun to your wishlist
Monopoly Party on GameCube9) Monopoly PartyAdd Monopoly Party to your collection Add Monopoly Party to your wishlist
NASCAR 2005: Chase for the Cup on GameCube10) NASCAR 2005: Chase for the CupAdd NASCAR 2005: Chase for the Cup to your collection Add NASCAR 2005: Chase for the Cup to your wishlist
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 on GameCube11) Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2Add Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 to your collection Add Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 to your wishlist
Pikmin 2 on GameCube12) Pikmin 2Add Pikmin 2 to your collection Add Pikmin 2 to your wishlist
Pokémon Channel on GameCube13) Pokémon ChannelAdd Pokémon Channel to your collection Add Pokémon Channel to your wishlist
Pokémon Colosseum on GameCube14) Pokémon ColosseumAdd Pokémon Colosseum to your collection Add Pokémon Colosseum to your wishlist
SSX Tricky on GameCube15) SSX TrickyAdd SSX Tricky to your collection Add SSX Tricky to your wishlist
Super Mario Sunshine on GameCube16) Super Mario SunshineAdd Super Mario Sunshine to your collection Add Super Mario Sunshine to your wishlist
Super Smash Bros. Melee on GameCube17) Super Smash Bros. MeleeAdd Super Smash Bros. Melee to your collection Add Super Smash Bros. Melee to your wishlist
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell on GameCube18) Tom Clancy's Splinter CellAdd Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell to your collection Add Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell to your wishlist
Wave Race: Blue Storm on GameCube19) Wave Race: Blue StormAdd Wave Race: Blue Storm to your collection Add Wave Race: Blue Storm to your wishlist
Keven owns 19 GameCube games

Game Boy Color

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages on Game Boy Color1) The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of AgesAdd The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons on Game Boy ColorThe Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons2) The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsAdd The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons to your wishlist
Keven owns 2 Game Boy Color games

Game Boy Advance

Mario Kart: Super Circuit on Game Boy AdvanceMario Kart: Super Circuit1) Mario Kart: Super CircuitAdd Mario Kart: Super Circuit to your collection Add Mario Kart: Super Circuit to your wishlist
Pokémon Emerald Version on Game Boy Advance2) Pokémon Emerald VersionAdd Pokémon Emerald Version to your collection Add Pokémon Emerald Version to your wishlist
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen on Game Boy Advance3) Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreenAdd Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen to your collection Add Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen to your wishlist
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap on Game Boy Advance4) The Legend of Zelda: The Minish CapAdd The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap to your collection Add The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap to your wishlist
Keven owns 4 Game Boy Advance games
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