Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge Wii U Videos, Trailers, Adverts and Gameplay
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is a Brawler game developed by Team Ninja for the Wii U video game console. This page contains the latest videos, trailers, gameplay footage, adverts and video reviews for Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge.
Select a video to view below:
- Steal Princess: Full level

- Steal Princess DS Ending

- Steal Princess DS Boss 2 - Lucreia 2nd battle (Gold Medal, No Damage)

- Steal Princess DS Boss 1 - Lucretia (Gold Medal, No Damage)

- Steal Princess (DS) - Story Gameplay Trailer

- Steal Princess - First Impressions

- Atlus USA Trailer: Steal Princess

- Steal Princess (DS) - Japanese Trailer

- Steal Princess Nintendo DS Trailer -

- Classic Game Room HD - STEAL PRINCESS for Nintendo DS review

- Ninja Gaiden 3 - Official EU Tour Gameplay Trailer [HD]

- Ninja Gaiden 3: DLC Official video game trailer - PS3 Move X360 Kinect Wii U

- K-News - Tales of the Abyss, Ninja Gaiden Wii U & Super Mario 3D Land Trailer

- Ninja Gaiden 3 to Push Wii U, Sonic 4 Episode 2 NOT 3D, & Blue Nintendo Wii

- Ninja Gaiden 3 - E3 2011 Trailer - PS3 Xbox360 WiiU

- Juegos Wii U: Ninja Gaiden 3, Ghost Recon, Dirt, Tekken, Metro Las Light

- Ninja Gaiden III Multiplayer Vignette Trailer (PS3, WiiU, Xbox 360)

- Ninja Gaiden 3 E3 2011 : Combat and Wii U Interview

- Ninja Gaiden 3: Consequence Trailer (TGS 2011) [HD]

- Wii U Gameplay Trailers - Ninja Gaiden/Tekken/Ghost Recon/Darksiders/Dirt

Total videos and trailers in this gallery: 20
C3 Score
Reader Score
(4 Votes)

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Who owns this game?
Sandy Wilson
Ryan Raymond Coleman