Your reaction to a new 2D Game Boy.

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Even to this day I still enjoy playing the 2D Metroid games and I want more. 2D to stay! Smilie

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TrUeShAdOwLiNk :link:

Their money... their fun... their PSP...

I'm not sure if they could pull off a 2D GB. I think it would be kind of cool though, the system and the games wouldn't cost as much as other portables (PSP, DS). You could also squeeze a lot more story and legnth into the games too.

You could also squeeze a lot more story and legnth into the games too.

Yep! I'd rather have a bigger, cheaper 2D game then a smaller, more expensive 3D game.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think I'll keep my GBA for the moment and just get a DS when I have lots of money (birthday!) basically jus cos it plays GBA games!

My birthday is coming up in a week and a half, so I'm going to cop a DS then.

The only negative side to a 2D GB would be the ones who don't like the GBA or DS. 'OMG, your console has, the worst graphics ever!!!'

You wouldn't hear the end of it.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

shiptoncraig: exactly. A new Gameboy, IF they make a new Gameboy, would have to have 3D capability. It isn't like 3D capability damns the possibility of having 2D games.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised the Nintendo DS (or any NDSSmilieP) receives a name change after the GBASmilieP fades away--Gameboy DS or something. Yes, I am implying the NDS will replace the GBA--enough with the third pillar BS. Gameboy is a too well of a known name to let go.

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