Your reaction to a new 2D Game Boy.

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I find it concievable that the next Game Boy could possibly be 2D. I also think that I would rather it be 2D, the benifits are all there.

-Longer battery life

It would also keep 2D gaming alive. What if it could be the system that the N64 could have been had it stayed 2D? The next generation of 2D gaming...I think it's a very interesting question.

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

I don't think Nintendo will abandon the 2D games. They are making far too much money off of them, and they have proven there is still a very large market for them.

I'm sure the next handheld will be 3D capable, but I don't see the GBA going away. It is too perfect a system.

There is not point. The DS will be the nearest you will see to 2D graphics again. Smilie

if you don't like it then kiss my shiney metal ass.

If they made it 2D, it would be really cheap to make though. Hey maybe it could have a harddrive? With downloadable games! (with the ability to turn transfer them to SD card) That would rock! (and mean the system would cost more, but the games less, which I'm cool with)

Oh, and another thing I'd like to see (apart from those already mentioned) would be a bigger screen- summit more like the PSP's, maybe not quiet as big, but at least 3.5 inches anywho.

But a large portion of gamers enjoy that style of gameplay. I even like taking a break from my GC every now and then to play my GBA. If the next GBA can have 3D models on a 2D plane then I will be happy. As long as there is a lot of detail and colour then I'll be pleased.

A new game boy should have 3-D capabilities I think, but also it should have mostly 2-D games! So it could be 2-D but VERY smooth! there would be almost no blockyness in 2-D games. But 2-D games are the best, they released Viewtiful Joe to Keep 2-D gaming alive!

Don't mind 2D/3D.

As long as it's a stable device that allows me to enjoy games at an affordable price then that's it really.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

How are they going to make a gameboy without the Z axis? Isn't that against the laws of physics?

If that was aimed at my 2D plane bit, clearly I have know idea what I'm on about, and the kind of thing I'm talking about is seen in Yoshi's Story and Super Smash Bros.

No, it wasn't. It was a bad joke about the gameboy structure, rather than games... Smilie

I hope they keep a 2D console, purely because if they don't no more 2d sonic masterpieces!

Where can i get my hands on 13 degree tapered horns???? My Latest Project

Meh, I don't mind. As long as the games are good I'm happy.

But I don't think it'll be solely 2d, maybe 2d/3d but never solely 2d.

Yeah well. Nintendo will probably do the opposite of what we are saying now, as usual! With the whole mario128 confusion. & ANIMAL CROSSING WAS JUST RELEASED IN UK!!!! WAHT HAVE WE BEEN MISSING?!?!?

A little tutorial for you, Superlink:

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I think that a strictly 2D Game Boy system wouldn't be wise, there's no reason why the next Game Boy can't do both 2D and 3D, I mean, even with a cheap price surely it'd loose out to the PSP and such because it lacks 3D.

An idea would be to have a small little cheap Game Boy 2D, but putting that up against the PSP and calling it the next generation of handhelds wouldn't please everyone.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 
Guest 18.01.2005#16

I think the psp looks rubbish compared to DS! even gba!

I think the psp looks rubbish compared to DS! even gba!


2-d style gameplay is good, and I think they should release more games like it, but even the nes had 3-d games, ok they had no polygons etc, but they were as 3-d as the games we have now.
all the games I can think of on the nes could be made 3-d with polygons etc, and I think the general 2-d style suits portables with smaller screens better than more visually complex and busy games.
unless nintendo find a way of increasing the screen size while keeping the hand held comparatively small.

Make it 3D.
If they wanna put some 2D games on there, then they still have that option (like Viewtiful Joe).

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I don't like 3D games on a handheld anyway- the tiny resolution just gives me eyestrain; its hard to see whats going on..

I will have to see how I cope on a DS before I agree or disagree with you there.

TAG, your idea is the best, Viewtiful Joe on a handheld! Has to be done...oh wait it is being done on the

By the way mysterious visitor we all know the PSP looks cooler than the DS, so wouldn't start arguing about that. It just does, all you can say.

Vj will be great, probably easier to view on the PSP screen due its size. Also, you could have 2 player co-op Smilie. It could work like Streets Of Rage did, where to head on the next area, both of you have to go to the edge of the screen.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

I'd be happy as a bee. The death of 2D gaming will be a sad day indeed Smilie

Well, I don't want to see 2D gaming die off until the genre has been pushed to its absolute limits and bled dry! Let the DS/Revolution take take of innovation...


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