is that image at the top meant to make the DS look REALLY REALLY good? because it succeeds. that is without a doubt the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
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is that image at the top meant to make the DS look REALLY REALLY good? because it succeeds. that is without a doubt the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
Well seeing as I want both a DS and an iPod that would be the perfect present for me, you cannot say that is ugly when it's just a fake prototype, if that was really made you could imagine how swish it would look. In games where the second screen is nothing but a map you could have a choice of having your song listing and with a simple hit of a button mid-race you could be listening to some actual music!
int_heca wrote:
You still have to get your I-Pod replaced when the battery runs out. Therefore, I-Pod can SUUUUCK ITTTTT!
You're aware you can get replacement batteries?
Unless my information is wrong, you have to send the little guy back to Apple HQ to get your battery replaced. Am I outdated?
I cant really be arsed commenting on ifs and buts and maybe/could be's.
Personally I dont care that the DS doesent play Mp3's.
I like the DS design, I seem to be in the minority though
I agree with you, the design is as best as it could be and still maintain two screens -one a touch screen- and enough buttons and extra features.
And as for the Ipod itself, never been a big fan of the concept, I change my musical tastes daily so a 256MB memory on my Creative Slim is good enough for me, plus I preffer the look of my creative slim (small and sexy), also it charges from USB, so it charges as I take and put music on it.
The Ipod cant have music taken off of it, once music is on it , it is there permenatly (or so my friend who owns an Ipod tells me, I could be wrong).
Also im pretty sure the replacement battery is pretty pricey to buy, im not really interested in having to buy a battery for my mp3 player after a year or somethng.
I love the I-Pod design with the scrolly-wheely thingy, you know. I was considering a purchase, but then you have to download Mac software, and what I've heard about the battery is disappointing... unless you can take it out yourself now? All I know is that it has to be replaced sooner than others on the market.
But the image at the top looks good... I just hope it never becomes reality. :X
Looks very stylish. I like the larger screens and smaller design... just what i wanted the DS to be. The cobntrols seem to look very comfortable it that position.
that looks cool, i like the design, but can you really see nintendo joining up with sony? (i kno, i kno, its not real) i think u should keep the smaller ds-size screens and just make it between nintendo and ipod, that would rock!
[ Edited by Piranha on 2005/1/3 21:07 ]
It's a nice idea, but I don't like it very much, I think the real DS looks better.
And that button configuration wouldn't work good IMO(but it's like the GCs! you say... but since the buttons are so very close you would accidently press multiple buttons all the time).
I wouldnt mind the a,b,x,y botton layout on the DS