Hey all! Hope you're having a great day!
So, I have a question! How many here buy games and actually play them through till the end? If you do, how often?
I end up buying quite a few games, some are years old and I haven't even touched them yet and they are still sealed! Then there's quite a few games I start and never get to the end, because I just lose interest or can't be bothered for whatever reason. I don't know what it is, but I just haven't got the desire to play long story experiences anymore. If a game is is anything above 10 hours long, I start to lose interest usually, unless it's a game I really love (Super Mario Galaxy, I'm looking at you!). If I can get a great game that's about 5 hours long, I'll be super happy and most of the time enjoy it far more than a long drawn out experience.
I quite like episodic games, like The Walking Dead, it's just 2 hour chucks every few months.