Cubed3 Smash League - SIGN UPS

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Cubed3 Smash League - SIGN UPS

Do you like Smash Bros? Do you want to take part in Cubed3's very first league competition for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U? Then sign up by posting your NNID below! All the rules and everything else are explained here, but please make sure you are willing to take part in all of your matches before signing up.


If you took part in our Smash Tournament, mostly everything will be familiar. The difference with this league format is that there are no knockouts this time. This is a Round Robin format, meaning every single participant plays a match against every other opponent in the league, with the number of match wins determining the positions of everybody in the end. Tied positions will come down to finer details, like game differences, game wins, and head-to-heads.

It is an on-going competition. There are no strict rules on trying to get everybody to play matches quickly with each other - this can run for months, with people playing their matches whenever they get the opportunity to. We can still run other knockout tourneys like the previous one in conjunction with the league.

Because of the less strict rules on playing matches quickly, which won't hold other matches up, this should hopefully be a more appealing format to others that didn't previously take part in the last tourney. That said, please only sign up if you plan to complete all of your matches in the long run.

The planned start date for the league is 1st April, so this gives enough time for people to sign up below. We will create a new topic when the league begins.

Any questions, please ask away! Sign up below and post your NNID!


Open to new rules concerning stages etc, so please post ideas below.

  • Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. only
  • No items allowed
  • Omega versions of stages only, but all regular stages allowed - choose Random
  • No custom stages
  • Matches will be 3 stock
  • The best of 3 matches wins!
  • All characters allowed, except Miis
  • No custom moves or parts
  • There is no time restraint on when to complete your matches
  • No touching of the hair or face


Sticking with the same star prizes for now, but might change these as we see fit later on.

Winner: 20 Stars
Runner-Up 10 Stars
3rd and 4th Place: 5 Stars each

Everyone will get at least 1 star for taking part


Name - NNID
  • Az - Azuardo
  • André - Firesplitter
  • jb - jbcubed3
  • crackedthesky - crackedthesky
  • Sonic_13 - Sonic_13
  • Sandy - Squidgybuffalo
  • Marzy - MarzyMarrs
  • Phoenom - Phoenom
  • LKR000 - LKR000
  • Mush - C3Mush
  • Snowtwo - Snowtwo

( Edited 02.04.2015 22:42 by Azuardo )

Sure. I can join in on this. Even though I play horribly so is it a fun change of pace once in a while.... xD

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I'm in. I have one question, though. Does everybody want to stick with Omega stages only? It would mix up things a bit if tournament legal stages were allowed as well, examples being Battlefield or the popular Smashville.

Yeah, definitely pipe up about rule changes for this. I just copy-pasted the last one in, but we can definitely change things. I am all for non-Omega stages. Since it's more for fun, maybe ANY stage can be allowed? But I'm open to anything, whether it's tournament legal ones or not. I wouldn't know which those are. Can go with the most popular choices.

Ace banner! I'm in - though I guarantee bottom 5 for me haha

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Marzy is the banner king.

jb, do you think Sue will be able to take part? Like mentioned, there's no strict time limits on getting matches done - this could be a long process if we get quite a few people - so should suit her? Can jot her down and remove later if she says no?

I'm in!

I'm a little confused, though; so whoever wins the best of three matches gets one point, or does each individual round won count as a point?

Regarding stages, I'm okay with non-Omega, in most cases. Not sure how I'd feel about stages like Pac-Man or the racing ones, where you're as likely to get KO'd by a car or the stage itself as by your opponent, though. Maybe just stages with no hazards?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I am going to swear in the church and propose that we even go with items on. Considering this is a league so is the random factor they offer not going to disturb the force quite as much as in an elimination tournament. I think that could be fun.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Ah yeah, fuck Pacman stage. If SirLink posts the tourney legal stages, we can do those as well as the usual Omega ones?

You don't get points in this. The position of people in the league is determined by how many matches you won - i.e. if you win two Best of 3 matches and someone else won one and lost one, you sit above them because your record is 2 wins to their 1 win.

There is an example league mock up I made below:

Where it might look confusing is what Challonge calls 'Pts'. These actually refer to the games you have won in each match. i.e. if you win two matches 2-0 and 2-1, you have gained 4 pts (games). The pts difference would be 3 (4 games won minus 1 game against).

It all works out simply in the end, so don't worry if it's a bit much. But basically, it's just based on how many matches you have won. Only if you have won the same number of matches as someone else does it look at games won/conceded.

Re: items - need a consensus on that, then. I don't know if I like items tbh. I'm not a pro at this game by any stretch of the imagination, but I have to say I prefer it without. If more people want it on, though, will reconsider.

( Edited 09.03.2015 23:47 by Azuardo )

I would like to join! April 1st is a perfect start date for me.

I would also vote for items and even non-Omega stages. Feels like we're playing a gimped version of the game without them.

I don't mind if we do items really. Maybe it can be low appearance rate, or mid at best?

I think Omega and tourney stages only would be more fun than simply all stages. I definitely hate Pac-Man stage. But maybe we can go with all stages, except for major shit ones like Pac-Man?

Will definitely have to come to some sort of decision based on feedback from people. I will go with anything at the end of the day.

I do sort of agree with the idea that the league would be less serious than the knockout tourneys, so some items and non-Omega stages can fly. Just need to come to some sort of agreement on exactly what to do.

( Edited 10.03.2015 01:25 by Azuardo )

Maybe we can run concurrent tourneys? Have a Smash tourney and an Omega tourney; Smash is the base game, any stage, medium items. Omega is Omega and tourney-approved stages only, no items.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Hmm, could possibly go that route. Maybe still no Pac-Man stage lol.

Can definitely run another knockout tourney. Just depends when exactly we should do the next one. We could possibly do it about the same time as the league starts, or maybe wait a bit longer, like nearer to May. Just depends what people think is best, but I think we should give about at least a month after the current knockout ends before doing another. Unless people are that eager to do a new one.

Right. My NNID: Squidgybuffalo

Sounds fun and it will be interesting to fight the others this time too. XD

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Is it possible to add a poll on an existing thread? Could do it through a poll and ask if people want items on or off.

Sign me up! Just no touching my hair or face pleaaaase!

Hmm, I should be able to join this time. Smilie NNID and C3 name are the same.

Added a poll.

With items, it would be no higher than medium frequency rate.

Sounds good, I'm in Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I'm in!

Whoa now, let's not get carried away here. Smilie I'm definitely not joining anything with items on (doesn't matter what frequency) or BS stages. My take on it is that the league should be decided based on skill, so items or stage hazards shouldn't be there to unfairly make things easier or harder for anyone. There's nothing stopping people from having some extra matches with items on while they're at it, though.

Dat beetle grabber. Smilie

I'm not too bothered about stages although I'm not a fan of the ones where bosses appear constantly xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I'm willing to participate.

I almost forgot about this lol.

Looks like we'll start it tomorrow with a proper new topic. Still time for any late sign-ups, and so long as not many matches have been done, can still add any late joiners after we officially begin.

Not sure where some of the guest votes have come from, so that might not be a fair reflection on results for how we use items. We can either go with the winning vote (items with any stage) or just do a new vote in this topic with people posting what their preference is. I don't care either way what we do - it's all a bit of fun and I'm up for anything. But will need to come to a decision.

If we don't get enough responses from everyone participating to do a re-vote, we'll just go with the majority winner in the poll, as originally intended. I think most, if not all, of us are happy to go with whatever.

( Edited 01.04.2015 00:00 by Azuardo )

Final note on this.

I'm just gonna go ahead with the winning vote - Items with any stage.

I'm gonna assume everyone in the list in the OP is still participating, but if not, let me know and I'll remove.

Will try to get the new topic up later this evening, and people can arrange their matches whenever from that point on.

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