Anyone wager Ganon hijacks the story in the end?
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Anyone wager Ganon hijacks the story in the end?
How about Ganon is the nemesis from the start, but then HE gets hijacked by a stronger bad guy?
Edit: I bet the is just talking about the 'Octobot' enemy from the reveal trailer.
( Edited 27.07.2014 17:46 by Canyarion )
Insanoflex said:
Anyone wager Ganon hijacks the story in the end?
Methinks, yes!
Would be great to see him and Link working together though, then Ganon turning on him later on.
Canyarion said:
How about Ganon is the nemesis from the start, but then HE gets hijacked by a stronger bad guy?
Like Monkey Island 4, sort of.
how about the new enemy is so strong it takes the tri force to beat it , zelda, link and ganon all playable...
sounds like something platinum games would come up with. i like it, and would love to see that, but dunno if nintendo alone would do that.
I like the open world aspect & miss it from the first 2 Zelda games. I wouldn't mind SOME sort of nod to Ganon in the story but it's good to see Nintendo wanting to keep things fresh for fans both new & Jaded like myself.
So this has been confirmed to be a crappy translation and FAKE.
No idea, but it is possible & Nintendo has outsourced the position of villain in other Zelda games, Vatii, both Oracle games ext.