From 5,000 to 55,000. In the last 2-3 weeks, the views on this have gone insane.
If any guests are reading this, please say where you got linked to this review from! I'm really curious.
Jorge can't find anything specific, but it has to be getting linked from somewhere to receive such a huge bump in a short space of time, and still it goes up every day.
This is gonna tank on Wii U btw. Wonder if Ubi is balancing its shipments for it properly, or if they'll even make anything back on the time/cost it took to make the Wii U vers. The non-Nintendo versions might have easily covered the Wii U costs actually, but still not good to make a loss on it. Think they already said it's their last M-rated game for the console anyway though.
Oh and Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition comes out next month on PS4 and XBO - get that over this rubbish. Way better game.
( Edited 27.09.2014 20:13 by Azuardo )