I feel they're missing a point here. If there's one franchise that Nintendo has which appeals to girls in general, just the way it is... it's Zelda!! Heck, even my MOM plays Zelda !! Two of my ex played Zelda, without being massive gamers, and they played very few other games besides these. Girls LOVE Link !!
If they could do anything to perhaps appeal even more to them, it's not necessarily putting them in control of a girl, but make it so that Link has less often to go save a damsel in distress who's a weakling. In my opinion twilight Princess, which wasn't so much about saving Zelda, did this well, and I know quite a few girls who consider it the best Zelda game (whether THAT issue I mentioned has anything to do with it or not I don't know, but I think it's a fair point).
There are other games out there which force players into a female protagonist position (Metroid? Hello?) and guys enjoy them just fine. heck, i'm an even bigger fan of metroid than Zelda, myself . There's no need to change what doesn't need to be changed in my opinion, Link being a male is part of the identity of the series. Do I feel that Samus has to become a guy? NO! I don't WANT Samus to become a guy, I like her just fine as a female XD !! It's part of what makes the franchise what it is, the same way Link being a male is part of Zelda!
Having said that however, if they find a clever way to make it work, an the game is good, I don't care that Link is male or female. I'd even buy a Zelda game that sends Zelda saving Link for a change, so long as the gameplay and story are good, and that it makes a GOOD Zelda game . It'll feel weird, and that's not necessary in my opinion, but I won't mind either way.