Hey guys,
It's something I have been thinking about... of late I feel its the same franchises coming out again and again from Nintendo - Mario, Smash Bros, Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario Golf and Metroid. But what about the other excellent IPs that Nintendo has?
For instance, I have been wishing for a DKC game since the SNES days and finally Nintendo tap into that powerhouse - sure the Wii version was disappointing IMO, but the Wii U version is sublime. (I would love another version with the Kremlings, but I am unsure whether this will happen given that the game has only sold 0.48m copies worldwide).
On that note here are some IPs I want to see the Big N do. Top of my list is F-ZERO! its been a decade at least (released in 2004)! All that Nintendo would need to do is include HD graphics, faster speeds, and online multiplayer with 20 players! That would be sublime. I'm aware that F-Zero GX bombed - but that was mainly down to do the intense difficulty - so perhaps a smoother difficulty curve? Its been a while since anyone has heard... BOOST POWER to some rocking tunes. If anything MK8 seems to have burrowed heavy from FZero and I prob will get MK8 but it doesnt seem to excite me... turtle shells vs Boost power?
If anyone is interested, I came across an online petition - so it might be our only hope (more since Miyamoto seems to be off his head by essentially sidelining F-Zero). If you would like to see it back..
(EPIC trailer)
And the other IPs I would like to see back:
1) Pilotwings (Last seen on N64 - 1997)
2) Starfox - akin to Starfox 64 (Last seen on Gamecube - 2004?)
3) Nintendo sports which includes 1080 snowboarding, Waverace and Excite Bike (Last entry was on Gamecube in 2002)
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3