Pokemon X and Y gyms(created by: MaxPoison):

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You may choose to challenge a gym as long as the owner is online and approves. You must defeat the 8 gyms before consulting the elite 4. Each gym can only be challenged once every 12 w/ the acception of the gym leader(ex: If the leader approves an early rematch):

Gyms(In Order):
1. jnoob- Flying

Once you have defeated all 8 gyms in order you may move on to challenge the elite 4 and the champion. The elite 4 may be challenged in any order you choose. You cannot switch pokes during this time unless you have lost:

Once you have made your way through the elite 4, then you may challenge the champion. Again, you may not change up your team unless you've lost:

Champion: MaxPoison

can i join it

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