I don't know I do like his satirical comments now and again. Although he's not my choice presenter to be fair.
I watch The Blurb on Challenge now and again but it's not exactly that great. Thinking back to the 90's Gamesmaster was never all that, BLAM! on Sky1 wasnt great either, GameNetwork used to re-run the same old stuff! To be fair it got a lot better when Babestation came on at 10pm.
I don't think there is the need for competing gaming shows on the TV, I can't see it ever happening again.
The mass public love their Candy Crush and Angry Birds but they wouldn't care to watch someone else play it. The games audience has grown wider but people are still slightly ashamed to mention to someone else how long they spend gaming.
I agree with most of the 25 games in the show, bit bamboozeled that Final Fantasy didn't get a mention and how Last of Us got recognised for a Hollywood blockbuster over Metal Gear Solid. I guess they must have made quite a few tough decisions to cut games out.
JB - Are you anywhere nearing completing the "last game"? If you watch Fresh Meat there was an interesting quote in the 1st episode of the new season!