11th March, 2011.
Hinges are a bit creaky now, but it just about works okay
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11th March, 2011.
Hinges are a bit creaky now, but it just about works okay
Adam Riley said:
11th March, 2011.BOOM!
Hinges are a bit creaky now, but it just about works okay
What, um, have you been playing that involves that much... cranking?
A lot of jiggling when over-excited...
3DS XL! Superb system! Probably one of the best Nintendo systems ever to be fair!
My original 3DS. The right speaker has been crackling for over a year but since I didn't have a receipt, I didn't send it in for repairs free of charge to Nintendo, and now that the warranty period of two years is over, I don't think I'll ever have it repaired. I mostly play with headphones on anyway.
( Edited 17.11.2013 16:25 by RudyC3 )