An "HD Remake" of a game that came out a year ago? Really Ubisoft? You guys need something better to do with your time. How about you work on the games you already have instead of shoveling out shit?
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An "HD Remake" of a game that came out a year ago? Really Ubisoft? You guys need something better to do with your time. How about you work on the games you already have instead of shoveling out shit?
I think it's better to post articles about games that ARE coming to Wii U and 3DS, rather than ones that aren't. It's getting really tiresome. You'll be doing this for the next 5 years otherwise.
Maybe you are right and it can be better to not report it. Positive stories get more positive posts I think, and this post could be a reason for sadness, so good idea!
There used to be magazines, I think they gave a sort of warm feeling when you read them because they focused only on Nintendo and the games and not on other systems, only sometimes to poke fun with drawings I think?
Hi guys, I do understand the concern - we don't normally post titles that aren't (as there are a lot), but decided to post this because it just seems a bit odd - 360/PS3 covered yet no explaination for a lack of Wii U version for these games
Would have to respectfully disagree. There are constant examples of this. Do they need an explanation every time? It's obvious what the reason is - the Wii U sells terribly. And if that isn't the reason for them, does it matter? If they just don't want to make a Wii U version, so what? Not every game has to come to Wii U. Man, I preferred the PS1/N64 days, where people just bought each console for the games available on them, and didn't complain when one came out for another.
I like what the other guy above said about referring to gaming magazines. If I was reading a Nintendo magazine right now, they wouldn't have an article on a couple of games NOT coming out for the system. Let's keep the positivity and keep people talking about and looking forward to what IS coming out for the Wii U.