welshwuff said:
Two things, what ever happened to that whole sales boost after the xbox one reveal, and also, the above is just retail and i assume that doesn't include online sales. The majority of people i know have a Wii U got theirs online. In fact it was most notably Amazon UK that was reported on most sites when mentioning the Xbox one release boost by up to 800%+ i think.
I think if the satistics included online sales the numbers would be rather different.
The boost was nearly 400%, but seriously, don't kid yourself. Even if it doesn't include online numbers, the same applies to all the other consoles too. Like it or not, the Wii U is a failure in the UK. If someone said this time last year that the Wii U would be selling LESS than the Vita - a system that was considered dead by almost everyone - people would have laughed in their face! Yet look at the situation. Wii U selling less than Vita is a shocking position to be in, retail sales or not.