Should Nintendo go Region Free on Wii U and 3DS? Iwata Discusses Region Locking

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Should Nintendo go Region Free on Wii U and 3DS?


( Edited 04.07.2013 21:14 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

It's one more door that seals many frustrated gamers behind and for what reason? What is the most logical reason for making a console region locked? It's not like the US is getting a different or better game to rest of the world so what is the point?

This whole region blocking in general is really annoying, for example a video on the new is only available to viewers in America... the hell is that supposed to mean? why make it only available to americans and not to the rest of us, its silly and in this day and age, where every country speaks to one another and should be able to content without having to be in their country to view it.

Just imagine trying to speak to someone over the internet and you can't because your in a different country to theirs? This is what region locking is to gamers and Nintendo have become criminal masterminds at region locking. If Nintendo can explain to us what the downside is to a region free console then I'd be more than happy to hear it but till then I don't want to hear anymore of their nonsensical bullshit "we war thinkin abowt implementing..." no just don't think, just put it in.

( Edited 04.07.2013 21:17 by irfy )

irfy said: If Nintendo can explain to us what the downside is to a region free console then I'd be more than happy to hear it but till then I don't want to hear anymore of their nonsensical bullshit "we war thinkin abowt implementing..." no just don't think, just put it in.

Rather, take it out. Region locking is an artificial block to playing a foreign game. It's silly.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
rthddfdfh (guest) 04.07.2013#4

It's either cowardice or greed.
And greed is just an unwillingness to share a couple of more slices of the pie. Fat Japanese shouldn't worry about hunger and wait till the other guy takes initiative.  Cowards. The words of a coward, that's what that is. Well he's in good company. Shame they get rewarded so much; but that is life. still.

I don't think Region Locking is that big a deal.  This has mostly come to light because of the DRM issues that Xbox One had and how it's the only one left on any of the avaialble systems.  Without the Microsofts reversal on it's DRM stances chances are this would have remained a general non-issue.

 Region locking may also actually matter because of Miiverse. Each region has it's own Miiverse with separate games available in their channels because of the difference in availability.  Chances are that the reason

Jeffrey DeVries (guest) 06.07.2013#6

 @InsaneZucchini  B.S., Region lock because of miiverse. PS4 is region free and it as a network like me miiverse. OK region lock online if you have to but not game discs!!!     Offline region free play should not be this hard for the big N. Come on.    Homebrew were you when I need you??  Sad that they have not learned form the wii and homebrew as to do this for you again.  Just SAD!!!

Allison (guest) 07.07.2013#7

If it was not region locked some place may not get a sequel or the game may not come out so you can understand it. In other words, The game may do really good in Japan and will sell bad in other places. But  I'm not against the non-region lock either.

i think 100% there should not be any region conflict in gaming industry.

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