After the somewhat average E3 showing I'm not surprised. I think everyone was expecting Nintendo to kick things up a gear and show some exciting new games. What they showed was good, just not very inspired.
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After the somewhat average E3 showing I'm not surprised. I think everyone was expecting Nintendo to kick things up a gear and show some exciting new games. What they showed was good, just not very inspired.
Trepe said:
After the somewhat average E3 showing I'm not surprised. I think everyone was expecting Nintendo to kick things up a gear and show some exciting new games. What they showed was good, just not very inspired.
I seriously doubt this had anything to do with Nintendo's presentation.
The tweet from which this came was posted at 1:46am this morning. That means their investor meeting was sometime yesterday afternoon (or earlier), meaning at most mere hours after Nintendo presented. Making a kneejerk business decision mere hours before presenting to investors is not a smart decision (combined with the fact that Nintendo revealed a bunch of games that will be big system sellers).
Just look to Ubisoft's event on Monday. There wasn't really anything new for Wii U shown which further suggests that this decision was made prior to E3.
Fortunately, if the install base and sales pick up, there is no reason why Ubisoft wouldn't decide to reverse course since they seem to be doing this purely for business reasons and not out of spite (like EA).
( Edited 12.06.2013 16:13 by Sonic_13 )
When you say out of spite (EA), what do you mean?
Yea, not great/.
It was a under whelming E3 from Nintendo. It's very disappointing to see Retro, now without it's key designers who left for better things, and the right reasons in hindsight, decide to make another DKC game, when there's far better franchises worth tapping into within the Nintendo universe. Dull. Mario 3D World looks like a one-time 3DS game, a quick fix to get a 3D Mario game on Wii U by Nintendo.
i was so underwelmed by ubisoft this year i cancelled my £100 preorder of watchdogs. This news dosnt make me regret anything.
I only hope they don't stop releasing further Assassin's Creed and Just Dance installments on Wii U... At least AC, since it's a saga I've known for a long time, but not played until Wii U. I'm a lifetime fan of Nintendo, and it's so far one of the few franchises I like that were exclusive for Xbox and PS, but I wasn't going to purchase a whole console just for a game or a few.
If Ubisoft themselves wanted, they could still provide support to Nintendo and help boost its sales and Nintendo's, releasing previous installments of AC (I, II, Brotherhood, Revelations, etc.) to Wii U. That would definitely kick up a notch.
Juananz said:
If Ubisoft themselves wanted, they could still provide support to Nintendo and help boost its sales and Nintendo's, releasing previous installments of AC (I, II, Brotherhood, Revelations, etc.) to Wii U. That would definitely kick up a notch.
A good idea, definitely - a classic HD pack for past AC titles would be really good actually!
This is a huge blow for Nintendo and may be what leads to an early death for the Wii U
Krusher said:
This is a huge blow for Nintendo and may be what leads to an early death for the Wii U
I think the naming convention and how it's been marketed has confused a lot of the public. Then there's also the fact that 'next gen' and 'wii u' aren't often uttered in the same sentence. Huge confusion and uncertainty surrounding the console as a whole.
Krusher said:
This is a huge blow for Nintendo and may be what leads to an early death for the Wii U
Wii U isn't in danger of dying anytime soon, even with reduced third party support.
Nintendo consoles have always sold best with strong first-party support. That has largely been missing so far, but it is coming in force soon.
Third parties complained on past systems that Nintendo owners primarily bought first party titles, yet suddenly without the third party games no one was supposedly buying Nintendo is totally doomed?
( Edited 13.06.2013 21:24 by Sonic_13 )