E3 2013 - THE Thread

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Without getting a massacre was I the only one to enjoy Starfox Adventures....spaceship shooting aside i thought it was a pretty good game. In all fairness i wouldn't have played 'Dinosaur Planet' but played it because of Starfox.

I love my Starfox but i have to say that the DS Starfox (Starfox Command) is a little dissapointing but not terrible.

If you like your Starfox then i'd suggest you try Assault, a a few things in there that might get you peeved off (due to a glitch or two) but otherwise the game works great!

Co-operative, Lylat Wars-styled Star Fox would be amazing - plus online all-range combat, leaderboards. It really is easy money for Nintendo!

They're the very few developers to get flight right, plus underwater/swimming. Should really use the Wii U to push it even further!

Still, looking forward to 3D Mario the most. Galaxy is amazing upscaled, so a true HD Mario would look incredible I'm sure. Hope it's a bit more than Mario 3D Land though, aesthetically.

( Edited 06.06.2013 00:40 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Konami conference starts in 4 hours for anyone interested Smilie
Also I was wrong about the time before, it's 6pm not 4pm xD

( Edited 06.06.2013 13:50 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I don't think I'll be able to watch Nintendo or Sony's conference live. If only they were at 5:30 pm like Microsoft's. At least Nintendo's conference isn't live, so I'll just have to bookmark the video and watch it later whilst avoiding spoilers throughout the day. I won't be able to chat with you guys in the IRC chat though whilst it's happening. =P

Yeah same for me, I have to stay spoiler-free and then watch the Nintendo Direct. Fortunately it's just for 2 hours or so.

jb said:
Co-operative, Lylat Wars-styled Star Fox would be amazing - plus online all-range combat, leaderboards. It really is easy money for Nintendo!

They're the very few developers to get flight right, plus underwater/swimming. Should really use the Wii U to push it even further!

Still, looking forward to 3D Mario the most. Galaxy is amazing upscaled, so a true HD Mario would look incredible I'm sure. Hope it's a bit more than Mario 3D Land though, aesthetically.

I like Super Mario 3D Land, but one thing that bothers me is the actual perspective its in, for me it doesnt feel right. Mario 64 felt right to begin with and i had to warm to disorientation with Galaxy but with Mario 3D Land it just didn't feel right... 

Smash Bros for me it is without any doubt my most anticipated 'known' thing to be shown. I really can't help but wish for a resurrected series to be shown...I'd be massively disappointed if all we get is another Mario Sports sim/Mario Party or any other Mario spin off in favour of a Starfox/Fzero/Kid Icarus/Kirby/Pokemon/Waverace/1080/Ice Climbers/Donkey Kong....

Let's keep our fingers crossed eh!!

I think Super Mario 3D Land is brilliant. It's like a 2D/3D compromise between Mario Galaxy and SMB3, just a bit slower. It's got all the polish and inventiveness of a console Mario, too. Love it.

( Edited 07.06.2013 22:02 by Slydevil )

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Flynnie said:
Without getting a massacre was I the only one to enjoy Starfox Adventures....spaceship shooting aside i thought it was a pretty good game. In all fairness i wouldn't have played 'Dinosaur Planet' but played it because of Starfox.

I LOVED StarFox Adventures. Sure it wasn't a typical StarFox game but the genre and type of game it was trying to be, it succeeded beautifully. Like a nice alternative to Zelda. Rare certainly finished with Nintendo on a high with this game. Smilie

Starfox/Fzero/Kid Icarus/Kirby/Pokemon/Waverace/1080/Ice Climbers/Donkey Kong.

If any of these are shown I'd be massively happy - needs a StarFox for sure! Likewise Waverace

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I hope instead of Wave Race, they do some kind of sports pack that includes Wave Race, 1080° and Excitebike. Parcours could consist of all 3 sports, where you change vehicle/board at 1/3 of the level.

Think about it, it would be awesome.

It begins...

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Awwww yeah!

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

My body is ready!

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I would honestly love a handheld Metroid (2.5d)...mainly so I don't have to buy a WiiU when one comes out.

I doubt I'll be on the chat (though I'm not at work next week so I can watch) but if a new Metroid is announced you'll all know exactly how I'll be reacting that moment!

Offical Nintendo E3 hype song.

I love those kinds of videos not because any one of them is very good, but they're so affectionate and brim with child-like excitement. I think they're sweet.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Canyarion said:
I hope instead of Wave Race, they do some kind of sports pack that includes Wave Race, 1080° and Excitebike. Parcours could consist of all 3 sports, where you change vehicle/board at 1/3 of the level.

Think about it, it would be awesome.

I do not like that idea, I really like the franchises of both 1080 and WaveRace. Mixing the two together would be wrong, although i can see the blend...

Unfortunately these kind of games don't really sell in the volumes that are needed!

Speaking of Metroid, I would still love to see Metroid II Return of Samus being spruced up into a Zero Mission/Fusion style. I guess that would never happen...

1080° and Wave Race already shared 2 characters (Anumi Hiyami or so? and Ricky Winterborn I think? Or was it Rob haywood?). I don't see what's so wrong about it.

Now 3 games in 1 will never happen, because they'd rather try to sell them at full price. When people want to play it, they'll buy it, whether it comes with 2 other game modes or not.

So here's a list of Wii U games that will/might be shown:

We know the following is coming:
-3D Mario U
-Mario Kart 8

Then we still have the following previously shown games:
- Yarn Yoshi
- X (Monolith's new game)
- Shin Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem
- Bayonetta 2
- Wii Fit U
- Sonic Lost World
- some multiplatform games
- some Ninty games that should have been out months ago

I bet Nintendo still has a few surprises. My guess:
- Wii Sports U
- Retro Studio's game (new IP?)
- F-Zero (maybe co-developed by Shin'en?)
- Wii/Mario Party U
- Miyamoto's new IP

Even if they only show 3 of those 5 surprise games, that's a very impressive list!

 Canyarion - you've probably pretty much outlined exactly what they're going to show - methinks pretty much all those previously shown titles will be shown again, not sure about SMT x FE though - maybe too early for it, but definitely the rest. Probably skim briefly on the multiplatform (i.e. short show reel).

Wii Sports U hopefully and defo Retro Studio's new IP - should be ready methinks.

Plus an indie showreel too, I reckon!

How they'd fit all this into an hour will be crazy.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nintendo assemble!

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Get in the chatroom you bastards. Almost time for MS event. Smilie

I almost forgot about Microsoft. Oh well, I guess I'll join too. Still pissed that I can't watch Sony instead but whatever. At the very least it'll be worth some laughs.

( Edited 10.06.2013 17:37 by SirLink )

Some of the games looked cool, but the system's concerns were not addressed, I don't feel any better about it.

Also not a single non-white protagonist or female protagonist, over half those games were American white males with guns, big patriarchal yawn. It's obvious who this system is catered to at least, haha.

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People, it starts tommorow! Everybody got your hype train tickets, because it's about to leave the station! WOOO! WOOO!

CrystalMushroom said:
People, it starts tommorow! Everybody got your hype train tickets, because it's about to leave the station! WOOO! WOOO!

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