Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Gets 3DS Sequel

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It's about time! I need a new zelda, not a port or quasi-remake (unless it's Majora's Mask).

I'm glad they went top-down. I love the shift to 3D that games have taken and usually I find games that move backward to be overrated or misguided, but there's a part of the Zelda spirit that demands some games be top-down. Plus it looks like they're breathing new life into the top-down dungeon crawler idea, having it be top-down but have multiple levels of height.

NNID: crackedthesky
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OOOOH YES GOD YEEEEESSS!!!!!!SmilieSmilieSmilie

This has always been my favorite Zelda game, DEFINATELY looking forward to this one!!!!!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! SO MUCH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not keen on certain aspects of the art, and animation. I hope it's early in it's development.

I really wanted an original 3D Zelda, that took advantage of the systems power. I guess it'll be years before that happens on 3DS now, if at all. I do like the look of some of the gameplay mechanics, though, like being able to navigate by wall to solve environmental puzzles.

Sadly, I'm not interested in this at all. Smilie The soundtrack could be great though, I'll look forward to that.

( Edited 17.04.2013 17:04 by Marzy )

Just watched the video on youtube & I've got no beef with the art direction as it stays closer to the SNES original. Also that wall Link mechanic looks AWESOME for mind bending puzzles. Hopefully this game will pull NO punches when it comes to difficulty of bosses & puzzles. To this day I still say A Link to the Past offered more for when it came out when compared proportionatly with other Zeldas (though Skyward Sword is amazing!!) & the dungeons were dubiously difficult to say the LEAST!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Marzy said:
I really wanted an original 3D Zelda, that took advantage of the systems power. I guess it'll be years before that happens on 3DS now, if at all.

Sadly, I'm not interested in this at all. The soundtrack could be great though, I'll look forward to that.

You have no love for top down LttP style Zelda?.

Are you getting Ages and Oracle?

I would have liked a 3D game in the WW style, on 3DS they would have had less restrictions on scope and gameplay. 

It's a tough one because I really, really want a brand new 3D Zelda, too. Like Marzy says - something that really puts the power of the 3DS to use. Something much better than the graphics of OoT 3D.

BUT, I've been gagging for a 2D top-down Zelda for years, so I'm equally pleased that we're finally getting one. It would seem likely that MM3D would be the next 3D Zelda for 3DS. I do hope we get an original 3D Zelda on the system, but yeah, it seems like that wouldn't be till like... 2015, if we're getting MM3D in 2014?

Either way - it's Zelda. 2D, 3D, whatever. Happy.

( Edited 17.04.2013 20:37 by Azuardo )

Yeah, I'm really loving the wall skill. There's a lot of potential for this game with that and the 3D layered dungeons. 

Linkyshinks said:
Marzy said:
I really wanted an original 3D Zelda, that took advantage of the systems power. I guess it'll be years before that happens on 3DS now, if at all.

Sadly, I'm not interested in this at all. The soundtrack could be great though, I'll look forward to that.

You have no love for top down LttP style Zelda?.

Are you getting Ages and Oracle?

I would have liked a 3D game in the WW style, on 3DS they would have had less restrictions on scope and gameplay. 

Not much at all, I enjoyed Spirit Tracks, but all the other ones I don't really like. I won't be getting Oracle of Ages or Seasons, either.

I would have loved a 3D Wind Waker sequel. Smilie

For what it's worth Marz', it could be more like Minish Cap or the Oracle games than LttP, a bit more of a modern 2D Zelda which is honestly what I'm hoping for.

And like Az, I've been craving a proper new 2D Zelda for so long it's not funny, I was genuinely worried the 2D series was lost to the world.. so I'm overjoyed.

Also, if the 3DS' lifespan is as long as the DS' or longer, I wouldn't discount the possibility of a 3D Zelda that puts the system to its limits at some point in the future. We're only 2/3 years in remember Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The more I see of the screens available, the more I find myself not keen on the art. It appears quite a few people are unsure / not happy with it...

I do hope they make Link's character model a little more characterful, but I'm certain I'll enjoy the game thoroughly regardless.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looks interesting. Was never a big fan of LTTP but it is good to see a 2D Zelda again. 

Downloadable trailer on the 3DS eShop chaps. The 3D will add a fair bit to this game I imagine. Smilie

It's cool that people will get a new 2D Zelda, I'm glad about that. I just hope Nintendo will do a 3D one in the future and make full use of the systems capabilities, as well. To me this seems like something that that was designed to be quickly be put together to sell more systems. It's not a big Zelda production that will take years to develop.

It just looks too Mario-fied(?) for me. The wall painting thing, doesn't make sense, how does Link obtain that ability? "Oh hey Link heres a magic spell that allows you to... draw yourself on a wall.. hurrah". The idea would be great for another game but for Zelda... no.

irfy said:
It just looks too Mario-fied(?) for me. The wall painting thing, doesn't make sense, how does Link obtain that ability? "Oh hey Link heres a magic spell that allows you to... draw yourself on a wall.. hurrah". The idea would be great for another game but for Zelda... no.

It does look a bit Mariofied but that won't really affect the gameplay, I'm sure it'll look better towards launch too. I'm personally happy to see a Zelda in a different artstyle.

As for the ability, Nintendo said in the past that when making a Zelda, the gameplay and ideas themselves come well before any story ideas, they just put a game where the story works as far as timeline is concerned. The ability looks awesome, and while it doesn't "fit" with that particular Zelda, it's not the first time Zelda has done something crazy with Link.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm glad to see the 2D idea get a makeover and stay alive. 

I think we'll be seeing a MM remake and a full 3D new Zelda on 3DS closer to the end of its life cycle. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

I did not expect this at all. I knew there was going to be a Nintendo Direct, but I figured Nintendo would have run out of new games to show.

And then this hit. Awesome. I have to say I have to get used to the style, but the 3D video on the 3DS pretty much convinced me.

I do hope the overworld won't be exactly the same, that will be boring!

Chibiraptor (guest) 29.03.2014#20

I love this idea. it might actually make me buy a 3DS Smilie 
I miss top down games and plat-formers Smilie

It's a good one I can promise you.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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