Alright, so these days I'm pretty certain every single one of us here does not do this, but what about in your younger days? Have you ever gone into a store, looked at the shelves, seen a game with a really cool cover and bought it (or asked your parents etc to buy it)? Back in the day when we didn't have Internet or maybe didn't know much about games other than playing them, I bet this was the case for many of us.
When I was younger, I was allowed to pick out games that I would get for Christmas, but usually, I had an idea if they were good from the name or seeing them in magazines. But there were still some I didn't have an idea about.
Probably the main few I likely picked up because of the covers were these:
Anyone hazard a guess as to why Ehrgeiz caught my attention? Yeah. For no other reason than Cloud Strife was on the cover. I had no idea what this was, but dude, it had Cloud Strife in it. No doubt this would've sold a lot less without the FF7 characters, but it wasn't half bad. It even had a full RPG quest and some mini-games for the hell of it. There probably isn't a better example of me picking up a game purely because of its cover, but hey, to young kids like me that were obsessed with FF7, Squaresoft had the right idea.
This one was more based on how awesome the cover looked, but also the fact it had the fabled "Squaresoft" logo, too. I could've bought any game that said Squaresoft on it back then, but this one really caught my eye with the wonderful artwork. Was a great buy, too. Couldn't quite master it at the time, and only beat it a couple of years ago, but one of the best PS1 games of its genre, and a fantastic translation.
I'm almost certain I picked this up from looking at the cover. A sort of Link-esque character adorned the front, but it didn't really say much else. Probably the best gamble I've ever made when it came to this, since anyone that knows me knows how much I love to bang on about Alundra (you should all play it). I remember reading up about it in a magazine but I honestly don't know if that was before or after I bought it. I'm pretty sure it was after, at least. All I know is that it's one of the best Zelda clones I've ever played.
I'm sure there's a few more I could list, but these are the definite stand outs. It may be hard to think, but can anyone else remember picking up games in the past, just because of the front cover?