The New XBOX Sucks and You Know It

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There. We have a new topic. And with an extremely inflammatory title no less.

So really. Who here actually wants the new XBOX 720? We're hearing that the PS4 is more powerful than the new 720 and just as easy to program for. So we shouldn't have the same situation this generation where the 360 got better looking multi-platform games just by having a better architecture.

And then MS is apparently doing all this "always connected" BS that basically means that Big Brother is always watching.

Frankly, everything we're hearing these days is bad news bears. Unless you must have Halo and Gears (and Fable to a lesser extent), what exactly is there to be excited about for the new XBOX? Because every new rumor is bad news. At this point, I'd rather have a Wii U.

All this coming from a guy who owned a 360 this generation and not a PS3.

So now that I've thoroughly said something to piss off everyone, what's your opinion here? Do you have hope for the new XBOX? Or are you already trying to make adjustments for a future with a weird dual-shock controller?

( Edited 09.04.2013 03:24 by Jacob4000 )

Just sounds like a joke to me. You can obviously see what MS is trying to do with a subscription-based gaming console, but I don't think there's a single person that plays games that has ever wanted it to happen. They're clearly trying to capitalise on something that hasn't been done before, and hope that it pays off. It's a huge risk, but one that I think will backfire. It's kind of amazing to see MS throwing it all away like this. They must feel that with their popularity they can force all their current Xbox players to jump into this sub-based future. I'm jumping the gun, but the reaction everywhere is not a positive one, so I can't see who on earth really wants this. I can't see it taking off.

I also find it a joke that when they shut the servers down in the future, your Xbox console will be a fucking brick. I hope physical media offline consoles continue to live for a long time to come.

What's interesting to me is that this has the potential to go so badly for MS that it could actually help Nintendo. The PS4 will clearly have a big sway of Xbox players, but with the Xbox almost out of the picture, the Wii U could have a much brighter future than if the next Xbox was more like the PS4. That's a wild "what if" but I definitely think there's a case for that.

( Edited 09.04.2013 03:44 by Azuardo )

Yea, most likely, but I'm not excited to the degree I am for PS4. I think much for Microsoft will rest on the features and services that "Always On" can provide, and the other aspects that make the console distinct. But more so, exclusive games, if any. (M'soft's exc games are going to need to be incredible, but I have faith that some of them will be)

I don't know how to feel about this sub thing, but I know I'm not miffed about the lack of BC, which is practically confirmed already. If this new 360 is tiny in size, I'll have no problem at all with getting one down the line. I'm far more inclined to get any new 360 slim than a Wii Mini, that's for sure. If a subscription version lessens the cost in the UK significantly ( 2yrs sub max), I'm in. I am currently without XBL sub, so if they show some very big exclusive games, where a subscription to XBL is mandatory, I'll most likely get the cheaper SKU. I don't expect Microsoft will do something lame like only offer the cheaper SKU in white only. I have no problem with saving money, I'll be putting the bulk of my money on a PS4 with all the trimmings.

( Edited 09.04.2013 14:37 by Linkyshinks )

*sigh* Rant incoming...

First, the 360 wasn't my cup of tea either. It only had a few exclusives that interested me...
Gears of War
Kameo: Elements of Power
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
And that's about it.

And the 720 will barely have any exclusives either. Not only that, but The "always online" thing bugs me too. That means that when the console is dead, the few exclusives it has will not be playable. Lets not forget that infamous rumour "No used games" No one likes it. Why would you use it? I'm not saying they will, but you never know.

It'll be Wii U & PS4 for me.

I love how you guys can't do any research for yourself. Let me do it for since it is so hard.


"Now VGLeaks is clarifying that Durango will indeed be always online "like any other device", but it will not be a requirement to play local content and it will not prevent playing used games. In other words, this is meant for downloading stuff like game or social network updates in the background when a net connections is available, but you will still be able to play Xbox games if your broadband is down or you take your console elsewhere."

 After carefully reading the hardware overview published by Vgleaks, which was previously responsible for revealing Durango's specs, it seems that some people are just being paranoid or unrealistic about Microsoft's plans. Here's the relevant "always connected" bit and the context in which it's mentioned:

    Durango will implement different power states so that it can always be powered on, but will draw minimal electricity when not in use. The console will be ready instantly when users want to play, and will always maintain a network connection so that console software and games are always current. With this "Always On, Always Connected" design, users will easily and quickly enjoy their connected entertainment experiences, with no waiting for the console to restart or install updates.

 In other words, "always on, always connected" is a feature rather than a requirement to play games. It's not necessarily meant to do DRM checks every few minutes to make sure you are not running pirate or second hand games, and it certainly doesn't mean that games will stop working if you lose your connection. Instead, it's about downloading stuff like game or social network updates in the background so they're ready when you need them.

If any of that sounds familiar is because the PlayStation 4's "network standby" will do the same thing.

In other words, just wait and see. I'm not saying the 720 will be better.

VG Leaks still isn't a reliable source of information. For as much as it can chalk up the truth, it also chalks up a lot of shit. I'm not saying they're wrong at all - I really will be surprised IF Microsoft restricts play with online connections - but it's only rumour that they won't just as much as it is rumour that they will. We're allowed to kick up a shit storm over the possibility based on rumours, and in the end, it might even have reached MS's ears to make them think twice about ever doing something like that anyway. I don't think anyone's saying they know for fact that they'll restrict your games, but it's definitely worth debating and being angry about.

Hopefully, it will just be like every other console and device in the way it uses always-on. But on the other hand, this IS Microsoft. It really would not surprise me in the slightest to see the worst.

Welcome to C3 Crusina!

I love how you guys can't do any research for yourself. Let me do it for since it is so hard.

Research? There's no research to do. Research more rumors? MS hasn't confirmed anything. You're using one rumor (from VGleaks no less) to refute other rumors.

The fact that MS hasn't come out to say always on isn't required despite all the controversy is concerning to me. I'm not saying always on is guaranteed to happen. Because it's not. 

But the rumors and MS refusal to clarify is still reasonable cause for concern. If anything, I would hope the general outrage MS has seen has made a clear statement to them to be very careful about implementing such features.

Just wait and see, sure. But I'm pleased to see general outrage -- I don't want MS blocking used games and I want them to know it's a big deal if they try to pull a fast one on us.

( Edited 15.04.2013 17:38 by Jacob4000 )

Hello =D

And yes, Research in the sense that you should look beyond articles that are using fear tactics to get clicks. Case in point, IGN has  posted every other negative thing about Mircrosoft and the 720 recently but has not posted this rumor. Bad news = more clicks which means more money. So if you simply look beyond the negativity you can learn information that'll help you know that you should take everything you hear with a grain of salt.

And VGleaks is about as reliable as you can get for that sort of thing.

In addition, Online only is not going to happen. Everyone complains about Mircrosoft being greedy money hungry bastards right? If they go online only they lose out on a TON of money. How does that makes sense remotely to cut of a large portion of the world that has a bad connection?

And Microsoft hasn't said anything BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE THE 720 YET. If they denied that it was online only (or confirmed it) then that would mean that they acknowledged it exists which they don't want to do until May 21st. Sony did the same damn thing. Confirmed nothing until the press conference.

I'm just sick of fear mongering with absolutely no common sense being applied. I will post this again, this is what kicked off the online only part that every single website apparently had blind people with no arms read over.

Here's the relevant "always connected" bit and the context in which it's mentioned:    Durango will implement different power states so that it can always be powered on, but will draw minimal electricity when not in use. The console will be ready instantly when users want to play, and will always maintain a network connection so that console software and games are always current. With this "Always On, Always Connected" design, users will easily and quickly enjoy their connected entertainment experiences, with no waiting for the console to restart or install updates.
 In other words, "always on, always connected" is a feature rather than a requirement to play games.

That's what kicked of the firestorm, look it up for yourself. Where does it say block games and can't play offline? It doesn't. Of course it doesn't deny it either, but that's just it. It's a rumor. We don't know for sure. But nobody said that now did they?

Yet again Crusina, these are all just rumors. No one knows anything but Microsoft themselves. You're just debunking rumors with more rumors. We'll have to wait until Microsoft says something themselves.

And Microsoft has done a lot of money grubbing things.

Making us pay for online
Putting ads on something we already paid for
Multiplatform games have to be released at the same time as the 360 version

And many, many more.

Slydevil said:
I don't support companies that treat their customers with contempt and arrogance, which was partially the reason for me never buying a PS3.

Currently, it seems that Microsoft are no longer even pretending to support games creatively or meaningfully in any way. There's been no show of integrity in their behaviour for a while. They've concentrated on their primary business plan, which seems to comprise of having their expensive Kinnect-controlled media centre to be in the living room of every 20-something male with a taste for sports, Netflix subscriptions and the 13th edition of some video game blockbuster that is probably called Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty. That's it. I think they show a complete lack of respect for the video game industry and a presumption on the loyalty of their audience.

They annoyed me when my Xbox 360 died twice, and then they decided to shit down my everyone's throat with their weak casual player pandering, and their dashboard plastered with advertisements, which they continue to charge for.

(If true, but probably not) Durango won't allow second hand games? Fuck you too Microsoft. Sony look to have learnt their lessons.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

I have a weird talent for ending threads. Sorry Jacob.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

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