--This has gotten off-topic, I agree. Vorash, if you would like to respond to any of these off-topic questions, I'm happy to continue it in another thread or through PMs.--
There is so much rubbish in that post, man, that I actually can not be arsed to counter all of it.
There's nothing on the Wii that Xbox could not produce. Please name me a Wii game that Xbox couldn't handle. Can't be arsed getting into numbers and spec stuffs, but I don't know what the hell we're arguing about here. PS3-PS4 jump is bigger than GC-Wii jump. Guess we have differing opinions on that, though.
I did see your PS3 was broken, but that isn't an argument for the fact that PS4 should play all PS1/2/3 discs. If your GC/Wii was broken then would you be ridiculing the Wii U for not playing GC discs? I don't understand the argument again.
It did start from me saying your hope wouldn't happen, but the fact you keep saying it on the site just had to make me respond in saying that it won't. I just felt like it was such a strange thing to keep hoping for. You're entitled to your hopes and dreams, of course, but for someone to keep posting that they want a sure guaranteed PS3/4 exclusive on a Nintendo system constantly is kind of annoying to me. It'd be like me to keep posting I hope Bayonetta 2 comes to PS3/4 eventually. Pretty much the same deal. I just felt like you needed to open your eyes a bit more. Though you are entitled to wish for it to happen, of course. Rather than try to ridicule your hope, I just wanted you to see sense. I think it was SirLink's sig that said something like "keep your hopes and expectations low and you'll have less disappointment" or something. That's the thing I keep having in my head here because you're hoping for something so huge that you're just going to be left disappointed at the end of it. And I can see it now - when it's announced that Versus won't ever come to Wii U, you'll flip your rag at S-E/Sony and call them every name under the sun and just embarrass yourself on the site once more. I really just want you to see the sense of it all and you won't be disappointed.
But man, that last paragraph :/ I just don't even know anymore, man. It seems to be one thing for Nintendo and another for MS/Sony with you.
( Edited 03.04.2013 19:29 by Azuardo )