Will RARE ever return?

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These guys have been making the same games for years now! With the next-gen stuff hitting us next year, I wonder what impact the games wil have. Will they really push the X-Box? Can they succeed against the 'cubes line-up?

I'm actually thinking that they may stall untill the X-Box contract wears out then go for multi-release. Sneaky, but possible.

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{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

To be honest i can't see rare making enough profeit as they would want to by just sticking with Microsoft and making X-Box exclusive games (a part from GBA)

Then again they might not make any more than they are already by going multi console, especially if they produce another game at the same standard as Grabbed by the Goolies. Not just better games but better names, does that game not sound like it's going to hurt any male gamer? Smilie Smilie

But yea, I think they'll be back in the not to disatnt future

[ Edited by Drakor on 2004/7/3 15:13 ]

Drakor wrote:
To be honest i can't see rare making enough profeit as they would want to by just sticking with Microsoft and making X-Box exclusive games (a part from GBA)

But Rare are part of Microsoft, they are just another branch of the 'MS Game Developers Studio'. I still don't quite 100% understand the companies situation, but I am sure it will become clear at the next E3 show in 2005.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

I hope they come back someday.

You see the thing is with Rare is you can never guess what they're going to do next. Whenever you get your hopes with Rare you always end up dissapointed - but then they come up with some suprise announcement in the most unlikely of places and everything is wonderful (if that makes sence). They're mysterious because you never know.

When Rare got bought out by micro$oft they had been going for 20 years - but they'd only been owned by Nintendo for 8 years. Look at the bigger picture - and you can see that the time with Nintendo was just 1 chapter of the Rare story, and now with micro$oft - its just yet another chapter - and the'll be many more to come I'm sure. Because they're a great developer - commited to making the best games possible - they always will be no matter what happens to them in the future.

And they haven't left Nintendo completely - since they've been with micro$oft they've worked with Nintendo to update Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 for GBA and possibly they're working on DKC3 - but as I said, you never know with Rare. They are the leading *number 1* developer (in my view) for GBA - making extremely high-quality games and really setting the standard for others to follow. And I'm pretty sure they'll make games for Nintendo DS although nothing is confirmed. Micro$oft (purely out of choice) are giving them full decision-making freedom - so they won't ever be forced to become less dedicated to GBA and DS.

So, yeah, its a shame about no GC support but... those poor xbox owners have to have *something*. Smilie

Well with saber wulf on the gba and banjo kazzoie it really wouldnt shock me at all to see rare move elsewhere. I dont think they will DO multi format But i mean apart from grabbed by the ghoulies what else has rare done for microsoft so far, I mean also apart from perfect dark and stuff why do we really need or want rare their games were good granted but they were slow unprdictabke developers. To be honest i cant be bothered with them. I dont know how Microsoft justify paying so much for them i can however justify Nintendo making a shed load of cash outta their sale of rare shares.

We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh

Rare is only a shell of its former self. It's almost comparable to Atari nowadays. The majority of the staff who worked on games are no longer there, they left either before the sale or because of the sale. Lots of the staff is still developing for nintendo when you really stop to think about it. Zoonami and Game Zero; the man who owns Zoonami was the ex-president of Rare and oversaw Perfect Dark. Not to mention there are members who have left to go to Nintendo and Free Radical.

Retro studios may end up being Nintendo's new Rare, they've already proven their ability to make great games and who knows, maybe they've got a nice original FPS in the works for Revoution...Flawed Light anyone?

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

RARE!!!! waaahhhhhhh!!!!!*snif* oh well, at least nintendo made a cool 65 billion!!! but still, gone are the days of the wonderful partnership of Nintendo and Rare... gone are the great 2nd party games such as donkey kong, star fox, conker and perfect dark. sigh. i sure hope that rare comes back to nintendo!! but like BEAM said, rare does do strange things...

MasterStyl wrote:
RARE!!!! waaahhhhhhh!!!!!*snif* oh well, at least nintendo made a cool 65 billion!!! but still, gone are the days of the wonderful partnership of Nintendo and Rare... gone are the great 2nd party games such as donkey kong, star fox, conker and perfect dark. sigh. i sure hope that rare comes back to nintendo!! but like BEAM said, rare does do strange things...

Right...You do know that Nintendo is still making Donkey Kong and Starfox games right?

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Xerou wrote:
Rare is only a shell of its former self. It's almost comparable to Atari nowadays. The majority of the staff who worked on games are no longer there, they left either before the sale or because of the sale. Lots of the staff is still developing for nintendo when you really stop to think about it. Zoonami and Game Zero; the man who owns Zoonami was the ex-president of Rare and oversaw Perfect Dark. Not to mention there are members who have left to go to Nintendo and Free Radical.

They have about 200 staff - 4 left to go to Free Radical and 1 left and set up Zoonami - he wasn't the president of Rare - Tim and Chris Stamper have run the company since 1983. These myths about Rare being not the same anymore are lies - made up by people bitter about Rare leaving. Have you even played their latest games? They're bloody fantastic. In my view they are the joint-best developer in the world with Nintendo.

Rare are a great company, Beam, but you can't say that, some of their GBA games aside, they are still making great games. Have you played Grabbed by the Ghoulies? Tosh. Repettitive tosh. Pretty it may be, but a good game it isn't. Starfox Adventures should have been awesome considering the time it was in developement, but it was also pretty repettitive with one of the weakest ever fighting systems for a third person adventure. Pretty it may be, but a good game it isn't.
When Rare left Ninty, I wished them all the best. now I just wish they would release a home console game worthy of the name Rare.

In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king.

Haven't they just decided to bring back Kameo?

Even if they have, we won't see it for four years anyway!

In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king.

Kameo already has been in the works for 4 years!! Smilie

I do realize that the some of the most prominent members of RARE have went into these projects, such as Zoonami, but there's so little information that I wonder sometimes.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Kameo was the first Rare game announced on xbox - they began porting what they'd already done on GC as soon as the take-over. Its due at the end of this year or the beginning of next. They're a bit slow, I admit - Grabbed by the Ghoulies was originally supposed to be ready for GC's launch... oops - but isn't that what makes them great? Their games are flawless - not the slightest glitch because they take time to make them polished.

GbtG isn't Rare's best game by any means but its the best game on xbox - not bad for a first attempt at all - I really enjoyed what I played of it. And Starfox Adventures - I don't know how anyone can criticise it. Its not an action game, you know, its an adventure game - and theres a huge, beautiful game-world to explore. Its everything you want from that genre of game - some people are so ungreatful.

I'm not ungrateful Beam, I'm still a big fan of Rare and love their recent GBA efforts, I was criticising their recent console output. I'm sorry but I thought that SA was laboured and repetitive, it had it's moments but I wouldn't say it was flawless. Irratating in places yes, flawless no. It felt clunky, and that's never good.

In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king.

I thoughht SFA was brillaint and still do, a good mix of puzzles, action and flying shooters, but I really think RARE have missed out in this generation of consoles. The GBA has had a few of thier games, all except one are updates, Banjo, the X-Box had one game which was not recieved well, and they're parting game, SFA, divided GC owners. Unless they release their games at the end of the XB's life, which will be sooner rather than later due to MS's policy, I think Rare will only be seen on the next consoles. Hopefully on the revolution.

Rare going Multiplatform? I don't think they can do that.

Anyway, they're not as good as they were ten years ago. After Banjo Tooie it all started to go down hill. I miss the good old days, playing Donkey Kong Country on my Snes with just DK'n Diddy. Shame they puked up Lanky, Chunky and the rest of the "DK Crew" and put them in DK64.

If there next couple of games are as bad as Star Fox Adventures then their time is deffinently up.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

I think star fox adventures was the product of a company in turmoil. I mean xerou is right after and during and just before their sale to microsoft rare fell apart like trying to grab a beautiful bubble from the air and pull it toward you, Its going to burst. I just dont think rare have it in them any more.
Free radical hell yeah i always thought they could be the next rareware i mean they made a very good job of metroid prime (due to some serious ass kicking threats form nintendo if they didnt make it good)

We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh

Grabed by the Goulies was deffinatly not the best game on the xbox...I'd rather play Panzer Dragoon Orta or Halo. I don't know how going into the same room and doing the same thing over and over again is a good game and I think it's safe to say without the Rare name it would have been regarded as utter shat.

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Yes Rare started to go down hill after Star Fox Adventures. I played Grabbed By the Ghouls. It's fun but not as good as Rare's previous games. There GBA games were in MY OPINION not that great. Fun but not the feeling that i usually get when i play a excellent game.

"Free radical hell yeah i always thought they could be the next rareware i mean they made a very good job of metroid prime (due to some serious ass kicking threats form nintendo if they didnt make it good)"

Er, I'm pritty sure Free Radical didn't make Metroid Prime. Wasn't that Retro Studious or something?

[ Edited by Sound on 2004/7/6 15:51 ]

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

Nintendo are doing the right thing now, keep Rare for the Game Boy games only.

They are not producing the ground breaking games that kept the N64 torches burning.

GBTG looked great and had that Rare charm, but the gameplay was dire.

Plus most of the Rare team that worked on all those N64 classics are not at Rare anymore, they are over at Free radical etc.

When you cycled by

Here began all my dreams

The saddest thing I�ve ever seen

And you never knew

How much I really liked you

Because I never even told you

Oh, and I meant to

Are you still there ?

Or ... have you moved away ?

Or have you moved away ?

^Like I said, thats a false rumour - 5 people left the company and over 200 people work for them.

I have to admit BEAM, your the first person I have heard to disagree with the 'rumor' that so many people left Rare. However I have never heard this or the opposite from any offical source, I don't suppose you could link me to anywhere could you?

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Well firstly I know someone who works at Rare on another forum. Secondly Zoonami, when their website was up, made it quite clear on there that only 1 employee is from Rare - and said how they have a lot of respect for Rare etc etc. And I read about how only 4 went to Free Radical in an interview with them I can't remember where. Sorry, I don't have any links - but the important thing is that they are making great games - just look at their recent games on GBA and xbox and see for yourself. And don't beleive what you read - everyone is unfairly against Rare at the moment - just take it from me.

You see my love for Rare is greater than my hatred for micro$oft. When there are at least 3 Rare games on xbox I will buy one. I'm waiting for there to be 3 games because you see, I certainly won't be buying any other games and its not worth it for just 1 or 2.

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