Of course you could buy replicas, but this would probably top the list of game items I would want in reality - and working - but of course it would be stupidly dangerous lol! But the possibilities would be endless.
Ya, again one you can get a replica for - but imagine if you had a working Ocarina of Time? Slow down time (or speed up)? Hells yeah! Warp to the supermarket for a bottle of milk? Why not?
You can even wander in a farm to get cows to lactate.
The ol' fire flower from Mario - would probably come in handy, not really sure when you would use it and it'd probably cause longlasting burns across your hands. Maybe for a spot of fire juggling or if some knobend starts a fight down the pub.
Someone's attempted this in reality already, but I so would give this a go. Would probably shit myself trying, not a good look, but boy would it be awesome!
( Edited 10.01.2013 22:44 by jb )