Anyone else spent a day transferring VC games to the Wii U :(

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Hi just spent a day transferring old Virtual Console/Wiiware games to the Wii U. I'm not exaggerating when I say it took about 5 hours in total to transfer 60+ titles to the Wii U. Here are some improvements I think Nintendo should make, before they start faffing around making a 3DS a Wii U controller Smilie

Wii Shop Channel Improvements

  • There's no need to show which controllers the game is compatible with, when you are downloading a game from the 'Titles you've downloaded' section. You already know.
  • There's no need to give a warning that the game contains DLC, again you've already downloaded it once.
  • There's especially no need to have a health and safety warning, you get one every time you boot up the Wii anyway.
  • Every time you download a game from this section, you are taken back to the main menu of the Wii shop. It would be much quicker if it just took you back to the page you were previously on.
  • I had 9 pages worth of games on 'Titles you've downloaded', if I wanted to get to page 6, I had to click the next page button 5 times and I had to wait for each page to load before I could press it again. I had to do this for every download. It would be a lot simpler if there were links to all pages, instead of just next and previous page.
  • Also if you download a game to SD Card it doesn't update from saying downloadable to downloaded, this means its really easy to get confused over which games you've downloaded.
Wii U integration improvements

  • The whole point of transferring games across, is so you only have one console hooked up and its less hassle. At the moment the time it takes to boot up the Wii U, enter Wii mode, wait for the SD card menu to load, then select a game is a bit silly.
  • The first thing they could do is what they did with the 3DS, merge the Wii menu with the SD card menu. That's one less loading time.
  • Make it so the Wii U controller is useable with the Wii Menu(have it recognise it as a classic controller). That will get rid of the hassle of switching controllers and also removes a barrier of new Wii U owners buying Virtual Console titles.
  • Speaking of which merge the Wii Shop with the e-shop, they've got 100's of games hidden away in the Wii Menu, where most first time buyers are unlikely to go.
  • Set up a miiverse section for Virtual Console games(not one for every game but just a general area), let people market the games for you.
  • Allow people to play virtual console games on the gamepad screen, games like the original Mario Bros. don't look good on a 50" HDTV, play to your strengths and put them on the little screen.
Anyone else had the joyful experience of transferring VC/Wiiware titles across?

( Edited 04.01.2013 18:36 by JayUK )

My transfer on modded wii took about 45mins dragged out to an hour by confusing wiimotes and instructions. I must be lucky!

My biggest issue is the Wii channel limiting me to 512Mb when I have a 32Gb console. I have no more than a gig of Wii purchases so it would be perfect to have them all on my U.

Also miiverse integration would be a nice touch. I want to show off my 121 stars with Luigi on Mario Galaxy!

That's gotta suck. My whole process took about 2 hours or so, it's having to redownload the VC games directly to the Wii menu that takes the longest though. Have only done the major ones like Mario Kart 64 and Sin and Punishment so far (both look great going through HDMI).

Mine will take two then... What a load of crap.

( Edited 06.01.2013 11:16 by Linkyshinks )

Took a while for me too, even full on crashed when the WiiU portion was almost over and that freaked me out a truckload.

If you ask me the Wii and WiiU menus should be merged completely, you can play DS and DSi software from the 3DS menu without going to some ~DSi Menu~ so why can't the WiIU do that? I honestly don't understand the reasoning behind emulating the Wii hardware for Wii software.

It's the hugest back-door for exploitation of hacks too, if the WiiU gets totally hacked in the future it'll be through the Wii Mode, I bet you.

The Wii and WiiU need to be far more integrated than they are now, Shop and all.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Our member of the week

Took only a two hours for me. Maybe three. Mind you, I don't have too many VC and Wiiware stuff.

Weird enough, when I redownloaded some of my VC games from the Wii Shop Channel on Wii U (those that were moved to the SD card), some VC games were downloading far more slowly than others, regardless of size.

SuperLink said:
If you ask me the Wii and WiiU menus should be merged completely, you can play DS and DSi software from the 3DS menu without going to some ~DSi Menu~ so why can't the WiIU do that? I honestly don't understand the reasoning behind emulating the Wii hardware for Wii software.
The Wii and WiiU need to be far more integrated than they are now, Shop and all.

THIS!! I like having all my Wii stuff on Wii U, alleviating the need for me to plug the Wii back on (I even played through all of Another Code R again on my Wii U two weeks back, because I couldn't do it on Wii anymore from the disc tray being faulty on mine after my cousins dropped my console to the ground). However having to load the WiiU menu first, and then loading the Wii menu itself afterwards is a pain in the ass, not to mention that not being able to play Wii games directly on the Gamepad sucks big balls.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

not to mention that not being able to play Wii games directly on the Gamepad sucks big balls.


I got Pandora's Tower recently too, how much do we wanna bet I won't touch it for a while simply 'cause Wii games are a pain to boot up?

Slightly related more positive note though, don't worry about keeping all your Wii data on the SD card to save HDD space on the WiiU, the Wii has a specific partition of WiiU HDD space so if you fill up the Wii section to bursting it won't have any effect on the WiiU side of things.
If that makes sense.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Our member of the week

I have far more stuff than what the Wii partition on Wii U could hold anyway, so I don't have a choice but to leave some stuff on the SD card.

This is yet another thing that bothers me greatly. On a hacked Wii you could create a emuNAND section on your SD card or external HDD to emulate the Wii NAND memory without the 512MB size restriction, and run them from there. Most stuff worked flawlessly on this (actually the only things which I could never get to work were a handful of N64 VC games and some homebrewed injected VC wads of PC-Engine CD games I made myself).

So Nintendo being the creators of the Wii, if they couldn't achieve it themselves on WiiU to save us the hassle, then they have a serious problem >Smilie... They can't even say that they had to do it to remain 100% compatible, I'm sure the hackers weren't too far from being able to make emuNAND work 100% on Wii, so Nintendo could have gone that extra mile.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

One thing holding me back from transferring my games over is losing the ability to play them with the greatest controller ever, the GC controller.

Angus said:
One thing holding me back from transferring my games over is losing the ability to play them with the greatest controller ever, the GC controller.

I figured that since my Brawl data is all kerfuffled I'm gonna start new files for those GC-controlled games on the Wii anyway.

But yeah that was a huge drawback for me too, I'mma miss the godly GC controller.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Our member of the week

Angus said:
One thing holding me back from transferring my games over is losing the ability to play them with the greatest controller ever, the GC controller.

What about that then?

The guy might be willing to make more and sell them? Or if you feel up to it, you could try making one yourself.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

You should e-mail this to Nintendo.

  • I had 9 pages worth of games on 'Titles you've downloaded', if I wanted to get to page 6, I had to click the next page button 5 times and I had to wait for each page to load before I could press it again. I had to do this for every download. It would be a lot simpler if there were links to all pages, instead of just next and previous page.
  • Also if you download a game to SD Card it doesn't update from saying downloadable to downloaded, this means its really easy to get confused over which games you've downloaded. (I hate this!)
This is the killer for me...

I once had to redownload my entire collection on Wii, it was one of the saddest weekends I've spent with a console. I was forced to compile a hand written list and navigate pages that too an age to load, it took two days, in bursts to preserve my sanity. All throughout the experience my overriding thought was, Nintendo was shit, not the Wii, but Nintendo themselves for putting their most ardent fans through this. I felt like I was being punished.

I may keep them all on Wii, because there's no incentives for moving them over. At least my Wii can be packed in a suitcase easily and brought on holiday.

@ JayUK

The Wii channel system was designed to be fast and easy to use, like a videogame jukebox...Smilie

( Edited 06.01.2013 12:02 by Linkyshinks )

Thank fuck...

VC games bootable on Wii U mode, and playable on Gamepad. Nintendo are working on it.

Linkyshinks said:
Thank fuck...

VC games bootable on Wii U mode, and playable on Gamepad. Nintendo are working on it.

I'll believe it when I see it, sounds to me like the wii's virtual console won't be integrated into that. It'll just be gamecube games you can play on the gamepad, which although nice is the least they could do.

Linkyshinks said:
Thank fuck...

VC games bootable on Wii U mode, and playable on Gamepad. Nintendo are working on it.

I don't know where you got that conclusion, Nintendo are working on a WiiU Virtual Console, that probably means they'll stary releasing them at a slow trickle all over again, and you'll have to buy them all over again too. That's not good news. At all.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

No way, I highly doubt you'll have to re-buy titles, that will only happen if you want handheld versions of a game that's available on 3DS also. ...Nintendo would never do that. Existing console VC games will most likely be integrated into this new system, a system which may require you to redownload your existing library if you want them to display on the Gamepad. 

Where'd the optimism come from LS?

Hm, maybe you're right, but personally I think the Wii and WiiU OS' are so far distached that Nintendo will use it as an excuse to make you purchase your VC software again.

If Nintendo do let us redownload our purchases onto the WiiU OS for free, then I'll be very happy, but it's not something I'm getting my hopes up about knowing their track record for making you redownload stuff.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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