It's been a really good year for 3DS exclusives imo, but I think I'd like if Virtue's Last Reward won this, definitely my favourite 3DS game yet!
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It's been a really good year for 3DS exclusives imo, but I think I'd like if Virtue's Last Reward won this, definitely my favourite 3DS game yet!
Definitely had to give Kid Icarus: Uprising my vote. Such a refreshing and fantastic game and it's even a contender for my personal Game of the Year.
Miracle Mask needs more attention!
I voted for KI, RE, Prof. Layton, KH3D and NSMB2. This has been a good year for the 3DS!
Kid Icarus gets my vote, the slightly awkward controls don't stop its greatness from shining through. I picked up Kingdom Hearts 3D but it really felt like a spinoff, even more so than days which I found a lot more interesting. Someone new needs to be put in charge of the story because at the moment they're just throwing things at the wall and nothing is sticking.
And Kid Icarus: Uprising is your Nintendo 3DS Game of the Year 2012 folks!