Nice read. Some parts looked like they were just copy-pasted by the Ubisoft guy, but it's no big deal.
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Nice read. Some parts looked like they were just copy-pasted by the Ubisoft guy, but it's no big deal.
Yeah, I'm thinking it was a case of them getting so many interviews in at the time that they must have got tired of repeating the same answers! At least there is a LOT of extra titbits included and it's certainly interesting to hear about how there are plenty of ideas floating around for a sequel. Let's hope that it doesn't take as long to appear as Red Steel II did, since they delay killed that sequel.
First reviews are in... and they vary between 4 and 9. o_O
The biggest complaint is that it's too much survival and not enough action. You use your melee combat (the cricket bat) a lot, because ammo is scarce and guns attract more zombies. Most reviewers didn't like that.
Eurogamer on the other hand loved it and gave the game a 9 out of 10.
The game has been getting very mixed reviews, from the middle of the scale right to near the top of the scale. Has it killed my excitement for wanting to play this? No, not at all. I've always thought that this games would be one of those games which gets mixed reviews because it's designed with a certain audience in mind.
Going back to the roots of survival horror is definitely something I'm interested in. But I have one question for people who have played the game: Can you get other melee weapons besides the cricket bat? I know you start off with a cricket bat and pistol each time, I know you can find new guns, but can you also obtain new melee weapons?
If not, it isn't a huge problem, the game still looks great to me. Can't wait to finally get my hands on the Wii U. Only 12 days to go...
( Edited 18.11.2012 21:01 by Mush )
I was under the impression you could pick up all sorts of stuff, like police truncheons, etc...I'm sure I heard that somewhere. Not 100% sure, though.
The mixed reviews thing is quite interesting - there are some that will over-inflate the game due to it being the only really dark original game at launch, like what happened with Red Steel, and others going to the other extreme thinking that being overly harsh on it is a good thing.
From what I've played in early builds, it's a very solid survival horror game that does what RE5 and RE6 failed to do - add scares to the action. Looking at the GamePad to rummage through boxes, etc, may get annoying for some because zombies can maul you without warning, but in real life it'd probably be the same - attention drawn away? Prepare to be chomped on! You really need to have your wits about you throughout.
Adam Riley said:
I was under the impression you could pick up all sorts of stuff, like police truncheons, etc...I'm sure I heard that somewhere. Not 100% sure, though.The mixed reviews thing is quite interesting - there are some that will over-inflate the game due to it being the only really dark original game at launch, like what happened with Red Steel, and others going to the other extreme thinking that being overly harsh on it is a good thing.
From what I've played in early builds, it's a very solid survival horror game that does what RE5 and RE6 failed to do - add scares to the action. Looking at the GamePad to rummage through boxes, etc, may get annoying for some because zombies can maul you without warning, but in real life it'd probably be the same - attention drawn away? Prepare to be chomped on! You really need to have your wits about you throughout.
Like I said, it doesn't really matter, it appears to be a great survival horror game. A lot better than what RE5 and 6 were, at least. I really like the fact that you are vunerable when you are doing something like trying to crack a lock on a door, or searching through your backpack - it really adds to the overall scare factor of the game.
As for comparisons with Red Steel, I fucking loved that game anyway. I'm not even ashamed to say it. The sword combat was nowhere near good, but I loved everything else. I went into that game with "launch goggles" on and I shall treat Zombi U in exactly the same manner. Can't wait to get my hands on it, tbh.
When you asked about the multiplayer bit he talked about King Boris and how he set up his own blood thirsty games. Is that a friendly nod to Boris Johnson and the Olympics lol. Please let King Boris look like a zombified Mayor